It's getting harder and harder to come into work these days, for a couple of reasons. First and foremost: I hate leaving Preston. I know I am leaving him in the perfectly capable hands of his daddy or our babysitter, but I still would love to be able to spend more days with him, besides just the weekends. Second: It's taking ALL I have to be able to focus on work while I'm at work (as I write this, sitting at my desk...). There are too many other things going through my mind during the day. Sitting in front of a computer with the fastest internet ever doesn't help.
I wish I could just work part-time. I still like my job (when there are interesting projects going on, and the bureaucracy doesn't impede things), it's just that I could do it in a heck of a lot less than 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. However, MCW only offers health insurance to full-time employees... and it's the best health insurance we could ever ask for. So that's why I work full-time, and Skip works part-time.
I learned a couple of weeks ago that MCW will begin offering health insurance (and the other benefits) to part-time employees, as of around 2014, because of all the other changes to the healthcare system in the U.S. MCW needs to offer that in order to compete with the state/federal plans that will be implemented-- offer good insurance, keep more people employed. For those of you who do not support the changes to our healthcare system, think of people like me. Because of the changes, I will be able to stay home a little more often with my child (and any subsequent children that may come along), while still being able to care for my family financially and medically. It is a blessing. My coworkers were all complaining that our premiums will be going up because of this, but I just kept my mouth shut. I couldn't stop thinking of how happy I am that I will still be able to make use of the education I paid for, while also being able to be a happier mother and wife at home. If I have to pay a little bit more into it to get the benefits, so be it. I will be a hell of a lot happier than I am now.
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