Friday, April 2, 2010

Update 4/2

Preston's gaining weight, finally!! We started him on cereal after finding out that he had dropped off the growth percentile charts, and in just over one week he gained a whole pound! His cheeks are becoming nice and chubby these days :). He's also been sleeping a lot better, so I think we've got some things figured out with him, at least for now! We've also noticed his little personality is really starting to shine through. He's SUCH a happy baby, and so observant of the world around him. His big eyes just take everything in. He's definitely got his daddy's loud voice and boisterous personality, that we've learned through his squealing... However, I think he's got a bit of his mommy's caution and cynicism-- you can see it in his eyebrows. Exactly like mine >:) We've also gotten a taste of how he's going to handle the hotter weather. He's been a little uncomfortable with the heat, so I think he's just going to spend the summer in a diaper. Fine with me! Here's a video of Preston in his jumper, having a grand-old time (he's not naked, just in a diaper!):

Things are coming along with our house purchase. We found out that there is some settling in the foundation, which we weren't surprised at, since the house is 85 years old. However, that means there are some repairs and reinforcements that need to be done on the basement, which is going to cost some $$. We've worked it out that the sellers are actually going to pay for it. We're very fortunate, since it's not something we were necessarily prepared to pay for, so we're lucky. Plus, I think the sellers are just ready to get rid of the place, so they'll do whatever it takes to sell it.

I had a weird dream last night about the house. We had bought a place that was a bit of a fixer-upper, and our families were worried that we were getting in over our heads. We went to show them the place, and while I was outside taking pictures, I thought to myself: "I didn't think those upstairs windows were so dingy and burned out?" And I realized: the house is on fire! It proceeded to burn to the ground, right before our eyes. Skip and I were devastated, but all of our families were like, "oh, well, it's probably for the best." So I go to show pictures of the house to friends, and everyone says it's super cute. Then, I show them one pic of the outside "before" then one "after" and I say "It burned down!!!" That was the end of that dream. I think I need to go drive by the place today to make sure it's still there!

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