I think I am going to start keeping track of our house updates/work through my blog. I hope that whoever reads this (the 2 or 3 of you... :)) don't mind!
So, first update: We got the house! We had a few snags in regards to our loan that came up on Friday, so our weekend was a little stressful. We weren't sure until about noon on Monday that we were for sure going to close... at 4 on Monday. Nothing like waiting 'til the last minute, huh? Anyways, all went smoothly at the closing, and we are now homeowners! Skip and I went for a drink after the closing, to celebrate, then went and got the lil man from Cassandra to go over to the new place. It was so nice to be in there ourselves without having to have the realtor there! And, it was a nice bonus that the sellers said we can keep the really cute bench that is on the front porch-- it fits perfectly there, so we were definitely willing to oblige!
Skip brought a few things over there yesterday, and I brought a few more things last night. We have movers coming on Friday to do the majority of everything, but we figured we could get some things over there anyways. We sprung for the professional help, since it's a bit harder to get extra hands with all the new little babies/kids in our lives these days-- especially our own! I have a feeling Preston will be spending quite a bit of time wrapped up papoose-style on my back in the coming months so that I have my hands free!
My first job was to pull up the old, ugly carpet that inhabited the porch on the back of the house. We are so excited to use that porch this summer, but the carpet had to go (brown shag! yuck!). I was happy to find that it was only tacked down on the edges, so it was easy to pull up. Also, the padding that was underneath it was only stapled in 3 rows, so I won't have to be pulling up a bajillion staples, either. I plan to finish getting the staples up, then will get some insulation sheets and osb, then lay down vinyl tile on the floor. Shouldn't be too hard, but it'll be our first project so it might take a little time. I may be utilizing a circular saw for the first time since building a cardboard boat back in junior high (that's another story!)...
I will take pictures of everything as we improve stuff. I'm so excited for all the things we get to do to this place!
As for the little man, he is doing great. He's on 3 small meals of fruits or veggies a day, in addition to his milk/formula, of course. So far, we've tried sweet potatoes, squash, peas, green beans, bananas, prunes, and today we're trying pears! He LOVES his food, so this is a good thing. And I think he's keeping his weight up. I haven't weighed him in a while, but he feels nice and solid to me. Well, still teeny, but solid! :)
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