Thursday: I woke up and took Preston over to Cassandra's, and I headed out to get my hair cut and a pedicure. I wanted to use a couple of gift certificates, and knew I wouldn't get out there if I didn't go when I did. So that was really a nice morning for me! I came back to 'Tosa and picked up Preston, ran home and changed quick, then met my mom over at the new house. She already had the leaf blower out and was clearing off our patio-- she was ready to go! I unpacked a load of stuff I had brought over, and by that point Sarah and the girls were there. We putzed around doing a few more things, then met Andy over at Fridays at Miller Park for dinner. Preston sat like a big boy in a high chair all by himself for the first time! He did so well :). After dinner my mom came back over to the old place to help me "assess" what needed to get done during the move, then she went home. I worked on a few things, then crashed. It was a pretty uneventful last night in our little house. :(
Friday: Another early rising so that I could get Preston to Cassandra and then get a few more things done before the movers came. They got there by 8:30, and started right away getting things into the truck. It was a crazy, emotional couple of hours packing that place up. I'm not going to lie that I'm a little sad leaving there, and carrying boxes and boxes of things out was kind of hard. Don't get me wrong, I know it's time to move on, and I'm excited to be in the new place, and for all of the new memories we'll make there. However, it's sad leaving the place we brought our first baby home to. That house was "our" first place, and we have some wonderful memories from there. So, needless to say, a few tears were shed throughout the morning.
We got most of the things packed up, and then I headed to the new place to meet the movers. They moved pretty quickly getting things in, and we helped make the process a bit faster, since we were paying them by the hour... Everything pretty much went in without a hitch... except for our couch. Wah. One of the parts of the sectional totally doesn't fit into the house. Sooo, we will be in the market for a couple of new sofas. Fortunately we have another small couch in the living room for now, plus the smaller of the sectional parts, which will do until we get something new. We were done with moving at that point for the day, so I went to pick up Preston (it was only like 1:30-- not too bad). We hung around the place for a little while, then I got ready and met my mom over at her hotel to drop Preston off-- his first night away, so that Skip and I could go to the Brewers game with the Meshenkys. We cooked out back at the new house, then walked over to Miller Park. How convenient this will be for games! We all had a great time at the game, and stopped at Kelly's Bleachers for a drink afterwards. It was a late night, but we all had fun.
Saturday: I got up and went over to the hotel for breakfast with my mom, and to get Preston. He did really well with my mom overnight, so that was good to hear. Mom came back over to the new place behind us, and we were there for a little while just assessing what to do. It was a little bit crazy with stuff everywhere. As we were getting ready to leave to the old place, my mother-in-law got there-- so we had her cleaning up the kitchen while we worked at the old house. I ended up staying over at the old place for most of the afternoon, while pretty much everyone else worked at the new place (Harrisons were there by that point). Skip ran loads back and forth. I left the old place around 3 (I think), and when I got back to the new place my livingroom was set up! Ah, gotta love familial manual labor... :)
Nancy, Jim and Grandma came up that evening, and we showed them the house then we all went to dinner. We had a really nice meal at Fiesta Garibaldi (walked to dinner!), then came back, had dessert, and crashed. We were all so exhausted.
Sunday: We slept in a little bit, then started putzing. We didn't do too much besides cleaning up. Skip made a trip to the old place while I got ready then went to Target for some essentials. When I got back, the fam came back over and we cooked out lunch on the grill. Skip, Preston, me, Sarah, Andy and Megan all went to the Brewers game at that point. We had a great time, and the babies did so well for their first game! They were the stars of the show. Since the Cubs were kicking the Brewers to death, we left at the top of the 9th, just to beat the crowd with the babies. We hitched a ride on the Kelly's Bleachers shuttle... then got back to the house and cooked out some more for dinner with the fam again. Everyone was still pretty tired, so they all left, and it was 8:51 when we crawled into bed. What an exhausting/exciting/emotional/productive weekend!

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