Thursday, April 15, 2010


As I've posted before, I always have interesting observations while driving to work in the morning. Now that I have been dropping Preston off at the babysitter's house here and there, I take a slightly different route that allows for even more interesting things:
  • I saw a junior high kid walking down the sidewalk rolling what looked to be a trombone on a dolly. Wuss. I had to carry a friggin TUBA at least 3 blocks to school when I was in junior high. And if you knew me back then, you'd know that a.) I was tiny, and b.) the tuba seemed ginormous and only had one small strap-- no backpack style gig bag like I am blessed with now. That trombone kid needs a lesson from 12-year-old Ellen. (Or Pregnant Ellen. Even when I was 9 months along, I was still strapping the darn thing to my back. That was funny...)
  • Our coffee from home seems so much better than the stuff at work. Even though it was a day old, iced, and Hills Brothers beans, it still tastes better and stronger than the freshly-brewed ground Starbucks we have at our office. Hmm.
  • 'Tosa fire trucks are intimidating, and their lights are SUPER bright. One must have gotten a call while sitting at a light opposite to me this a.m., because it flicked on the lights and sirens. Those things are like semis. Makes the little Meda-Care vans look like Smart Cars compared to 'Tosa rigs.
  • I swear the whole world (i.e. everyone driving in the morning) is trying to escape a damn fire, they drive so fast. I have a total lead foot, but I'm seriously like a granny compared to some of the people out on the roads in 'Tosa in the morning. It's nuts.

I'm so glad to be getting off of work early today. Skip has to work, so I will be taking off a bit early to be with the little man. I'm so excited, because it's such a gorgeous day out. Who cares that I have to take a couple hours of personal time. It's worth it to spend time with my favorite little boy. :)

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