Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh Scotchers...

I love my dog, I really do.  It's just that lately, it's been a battle between us.  He's either a total pain in my ass, or he's the sweetest, weirdest thing ever.  It's mostly because of the winter, since the opportunities to get out are not so plentiful with it being as cold and snowy as it is.  We all just get cooped up and crazy.  So in light of my battles, I'd like post the "story of Scotch" and how he came to be my Evil Red (yet loved) Dog.

Skip and I had talked about getting a dog as soon as we started living in our house on 64th Street (we never would have been able to swing it in the shoe-box apartment).  So we started watching Craigslist and the Humane Society until we found a puppy that would suit us.  Skip emailed a picture one day to me of an adorable little puppy from an ad on Craigslist, with the tagline "6-week old Vizsla,"  so I started doing some research.  I come to find out that Vizlsas are very energetic, demonstrably loving, clean, somewhat neurotic dogs.  Sounded good to me!  However, I also found that they have been really responsibly bred in the U.S., so I was a little concerned as to why some guy had only 1 puppy, and why he was looking to get rid of it at 6-weeks old.  So Skip inquired.  It turns out that this guy on the south side of Milwaukee had a 6-year-old male Vizsla who sired a litter of puppies.  The guy kept one of the puppies (a female), and... well, before he could get her spayed, she got "knocked up" by Daddy.  So, the guy knew that the puppies would be one-generation inbred (not necessarily a bad thing in doggie breeding), but that most people wouldn't want a show-Vizlsa that they would register with that breeding, so he didn't broadcast the story on Craigslist.  There was a whole litter of puppies, and all he wanted was to find loving homes for all of them. Oh, and he wasn't going to let them go until 8-weeks.  So we went down there to check the litter out.

Oh. My. God.  The puppies were seriously the cutest things I'd ever seen, having been born on 7/7/07.  Vizsla puppies are totally wrinkly and squishy, so we basically fell in love right away.  We knew we didn't want the biggest one of the litter (Scotch's dad was over 70 lbs, which is giant for a Vizsla, and makes for a very tall, crazy dog).  We were playing with one particular puppy, and I just knew, watching Skip with him, that he was our dog.  He was called "Padfoot" by the guy's kids, since he had white on all of his toes.  Padfoot was ours!  We left that day and went to dinner to celebrate.

We picked the name "Scotch" since that's the exact color he is, not to mention we thought dogs with liquor names are always fun :).  We visited him a few times before we could pick him up, and a couple weeks later, Skip headed down there to get him.  I stayed home, and in walks Skip with the most adorable little thing ever.  He set him down in the middle of the house to start getting acquainted with the place, and he didn't move for like 10 minutes, and just sat there and cried.  We walked him around the neighborhood, then took him down to a calm spot in the river, where he went right in-- and layed in the mud.  So he got a bath his first day home-- how traumatic!  Over the next few weeks we attempted to have him sleep in his kennel... yeah.  That didn't last long.  The guy has slept in bed with us since he was about 3 months old.  We (and apparently most other Vizsla owners) are huge suckers.

Then, one day, Skip called me at work in a panic: "I lost Scotch," he says.  What?!  How do you lose a nine-week old puppy?  Apparently Skip had been walking in the nearby woods with him, and he stopped to talk to a guy on a bike.  Afterwards, the guy rode away, and Skip started walking the other direction.  He turned around, and Scotch was gone.  With Scotch's coloring and it being September, it was impossible to see such a tiny thing intermingled in the groundcover.  So I left work, and went over to help look for him.  My parents and Sarah and Elizabeth even came over, and we searched for HOURS for him.  It was miserable, since it was horribly humid and the mosquitoes in the woods were horrendous.  We called and gave a report to the 'Tosa police as well as Animal Control.  After hours of searching and crying, we so sadly assumed he had either fallen in the river or gotten hit by a train (since those are the borders of the woods).  We finally came home, only to collapse into each other in just a total fog of tears and mosquito bites.

The next day, I was sitting at work making a "Lost Puppy" sign, when Skip called me and said he thought someone had found him.  He gave me an address, and I ran out of work and went there.  In the front yard of this lovely house was an older couple and Scotch was on the guy's lap!!  I was beside myself.  Apparently the lady had been out for her morning walk in the woods and here comes this little puppy bounding down the path.  She thought it was so weird that no one was with him, so she called Animal Control and got our information from there.  They were the sweetest people-- I sent them a plant the next day.  We were SO happy to have Scotch back, and from that point on, he has been beyond spoiled. :)

He and I went through a rough period when he was about 5-7 months old, and I swear I would go to work every day with scratches and bruises on my arms from trying to handle him in the evenings.  Then... we discovered the dog park... i.e. LIFE SAVER.  Had we realized
that he needed at least an hour of exercise every day to be sane, we would have discovered it sooner (Actually, we knew it was there, since that was the area he got lost in.  I remember being very jealous of all those people enjoying their dogs, while I was searching for mine :(...).  Ever since then, we try (I swear) to get him out as often as we can so that he can work off that seemingly endless energy he has.

Scotch has been wonderful with Preston, even though he's so big and crazy.  He loves Preston and it's been
funny watching the two of them become buddies over the past year. 

This "war" that he and I have been having has coincided with the odd schedule that we hold, which means we don't get him out as much as he desperately needs it.  We try, but it's just not possible.  When the summer comes around and we get out yard fixed, we will have tons of opportunities to get him out and calm some of the craziness.

(And, because formatting on this stupid blog is being difficult, here are more pictures just in random order:)

See, I told you, I love my dog.  He's just neurotic, but aren't we all? :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pretty much all better.

Just a little update: Preston had an appointment with a Pediatric Gastroenterologist last Thursday, and all went well.  This was suggested by Preston's primary doctor to rule out any GI issues that could potentially be the cause of him being small.  By this point, Preston is essentially back to himself, eating, drinking, all systems normal.  So, the doctor wasn't worried about anything going on with him right now.  He even weighs 19.3 pounds!  That's almost 3 whole pounds since December 10th, which is awesome.  The doctor thought that the issue with our doctor being concerned was the difference in the growth charts the two offices were using as references.  According to our primary doctor's chart, Preston consistently plots way under the growth curves; on the other hand, he was right on the curve, consistently around the 5-10% mark on the charts that the GI doc was referring to.  So that could be part of the issue.  Anyways, the GI doc did say that Preston is iron deficient, so we will be working on feeding him plenty of leafy greens, broccoli, red meat and beans (and subsequently emptying the Diaper Genie more frequently :)).

All is good for now!

Monday, January 3, 2011

It's a New Year!

First, a little update about our holidays (and I am a horrible mother and barely took any pictures...).  Skip had to work the nights of the 24th-28th, so our actual holidays were pretty much shot.  So we had a little respite trip up to Algoma the week before.  A couple of trips to wineries, a brew pub, and a nice anniversary dinner really did us some good.  Here's one of the only pictures I took up there, just me and P being goofy with socks: 

As for the holidays themselves, on the 24th, I went to the grocery store and bought shrimp and steaks, the traditional Preston Christmas Eve dinner that we have been having at my grandma's house for god-knows how long.  Even though I didn't prepare them in a bustling kitchen or Jeff Smith style, they were good nonetheless (jalapeno-butter sauce... yummm).  Skip, however, donned the warm jacket and gloves, and braved the cold to cook the steaks out on the grill like we always do at Grandma's.  Our dinner was really delicious.  After dinner I made a quick trip out for some shopping, then Skip went to work at 11.

We woke up Christmas morning and opened presents when Skip got home from work, before going to mass at 9.  Preston was a champ at church (It's usually just me and P at church, and it's been getting harder and harder for me to handle him by myself since he's so squirmy, so I was proud of him.  We sat in the back and he was mesmerized by the nativity scene and the little baby wrapped in swaddling clothes...).  Anyways, we got home from church, and I successfully conquered a delicious, rich Hollandaise sauce to top Eggs Benedict for brunch.  Butter was my friend this Christmas. :)

After brunch, Preston napped and Skip went to bed while I packed up the car to head south.  We hadn't planned to go down to CL at all, but I figured a little surprise would be nice for the fam.  Preston and I got down to Nancy and Jim's and had a great dinner with some various Prestons, complete with after dinner card games and Christmas Vacation.  Preston had a little bit of a meltdown at the end of the night, but overall did really great with everyone, and clearly was spent by the time we got back to Mom and Dad's:

Harrisons got to Mom and Dad's on Sunday afternoon, and we all went out to Amy and Mike's for a "cousin's visit."  It was really great to see the Cederlunds and their girls, as well as Allison and Jeff, and Pete and Emily.  Amy and Mike were gracious hosts, and I've decided some day I want a bar like theirs in my basement!  I figured I should come back to Wisconsin and work a little bit in the month of December... so we came back north and 3 days later I was off work again :). 

New Year's Eve morning Mannings came up and we had a great lunch of antipasto (i.e. prosciutto, salamis, olives, crusty bread, cheeses, wine... officially making the month of December my best and worst eating month EVER).  We opened some gifts and visited some more, then crashed until the evening.  We had a super fun hibachi (tepanyaki) dinner with my family, even though Preston wasn't such a fan of the flaming oil on the grill... After dinner we went and visited with Ziemers, Hackers and Soon-to-be-Coopers, then came home and passed out by about 10.  So much for ringing in the new year!  On New Year's Day, we celebrated Eckel Christmas over at Harrisons, which was a very nice time.  We had steak and shrimp (this time the real deal) again, and I fried asparagus Paula Deen style.  Yes, I am now oozing all the oil, butter, and fatty deliciousness I had over the past 2 weeks...

Which brings me to some resolutions for the New Year.  Skip and I have decided to make a few changes to our lifestyle to help balance out the weird schedule we carry.  We're actually finally in a routine of sorts with our lives, albeit one that most people can't relate to or will ever have, but it seems to be working for us.  However, we also want to refocus a bit on keeping ourselves (bodily) healthy, keeping our house in order, and really nailing down some other important things in our lives before any other "big changes" might come along... So, each day, we will be keeping each other in check to make sure we've 1.) eaten healthy and done some type of exercise, 2.) cleaned up the house, and 3.) managed/acknowledged something financially.   I've posted before that our crazy summer really didn't lend us much time or $ to work on anything house-related, and we're starting to really get stir crazy to start some renovations with the house.  So hopefully keeping things clean and managing our time and $ better will allow us to start tackling some projects.  Stay tuned...

Until then, Happy New Year!