Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Scratch that...

... he's not up to 12 pounds yet... I weighed him at Sarah and Andy's yesterday and he's only up to 10 lbs 5oz. Still such a little guy! But he's doing so well holding his head up, smiling, "talking," and he's even got a roll on his thighs-- I can tell things are on track. Maybe we'll have to pump a little bit of formula into his diet to fatten him up a bit, but we'll see.

Skip passed his NCLEX (nursing boards), so he is officially a Nurse!! Well, he'll tell you he's a Murse, which is not a typo. It apparently means Male Nurse. Who knew! Anyways, I am now married to Greg Focker. :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

He's growing so fast!

I just feel like Preston is growing so fast! He must be making up for being so tiny when he was born. I haven't weighed him in a few weeks, but I bet he's around 12 pounds now!

We have had a relatively low-key past couple of weeks, which has been okay. I have been working 3 days per week this month. Though it's been going okay, I still really miss being able to be home more with Preston. I really wish I could keep only going 3x per week, but I have to work full-time to get benefits, and that means 39.5 hours minimum per week. Ugh. I suppose I could split that into 4 days of the week and work 10-hour days, but honestly, I think I'd shoot myself. It's hard enough to sit in my interior office in front of a computer for 8 hours straight-- I think I'd go insane if I had to do it for 10, even if I got an extra day off. So alas, Skip will be the part-timer, and I will be the full-timer. I will cherish my evenings and weekends with the boys, though (and maybe squeeze in some time there for myself: i.e. the gym and band...).

We had a busy last weekend, with a fun pizza party at Steph and Mike's on Friday, and Skip's gig on Saturday. Mom and Dad came into town for the show, so us and the Harrisons went over to their hotel to swim and have... more pizza! I'm officially pizza-ed out for a little while! Nancy and Jim decided last minute to come up, too, so we all piled into the van for Skip's show. Halo of Dionysus did a great job, and there was a good turnout. I think they were pleased as to how their first official show as a cohesive group went. On Sunday, we were visited by aunt Mary, so that was nice, too.

By later Sunday evening, both Preston and I were starting to feel pretty crappy. He was running a fever and my stomach was killing me, so we weren't fun. We focused on Preston and gave him some tylenol which brought his fever down, but he was still pretty fussy until he went down for the night. By about 10:30, I was throwing up, and it continued each hour until about 3 am. Yucky. I felt like *butt*. By the morning, Preston was still a little feverish, and I was down for the count, so we literally slept the day away in bed. I think we got out just to go to the bathroom and change diapers. He was okay by Tuesday, but I'm only just today feeling back to normal. I have no idea what kind of bug that was, but it sucked!

I think being sick and the stress from returning to work, however, reduced my milk supply temporarily. Preston and I haven't really been on the same page with all of that all week, and last night it came to a grinding halt. He just couldn't get anything out. He was absolutely hysterical. We were lucky that we had a little bit of formula left, since we only had enough pumped milk in the freezer for today while I'm at work, so we gave him the formula and he was fine. I felt so terrible, though, that I couldn't make anything come out for him. I was pretty upset. We have essentially gone through our freezer stash of milk, because I haven't been pumping as much this week (due to being sick, and also meetings at work that have prevented me a pumping session twice this week, urgh...). So this weekend I will be doing some "super pumping" in order to get our stash back up. It's not an option to run out, since it's the way Preston is fed when I'm not there! We may also have to buy some formula to have on hand, just in case. I've been reassured (though I still am working through it) by enough people now to not feel guilty for having to give him formula. If it's what he needs, then it's okay. I just wish my body would keep up with this growing boy!!

Tonight we are meeting up with some friends from church for drinks, and then tomorrow is Nursing/Pumping Day of America... Sunday we are meeting Dwyers in Lake Geneva for lunch, so that should be a good time, too!

Skip took his boards on Wednesday...... Still waiting to see the results.....

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year and Baptism!

Happy New Year to all! We had a nice week last week. I started up working again, which was an adjustment, but not too bad. Through the month of January until Skip gets on a shift, I am only working 3 days per week, so it is nice that both Skip and I get to still be home with the little guy when the other is working. It will make for an easier transition into my working full-time starting in February. We have looked into a couple of options for Preston's care on the mornings after Skip's shifts (he will be working 7pm to 3am, so he'll need to sleep), and we think we've found some good options. I'll post more on that when we get it all settled.

Thursday night (NYE) we went out to dinner with my family and had a great meal at Charro. I even got a caipiriƱa which was a nice reminder of my trips to South America. Afterwards we stopped over at "Ziemerham's" for a little while and did some drunk yoga. Always a fun time... I pooped out way before midnight, but that was okay. Skip worked New Year's Day, so Preston and I hung around the house until Skip came home. We didn't do much else that day or the next.

Sunday was Preston's baptism, and the day turned out really nice. Sarah and Andy (Harrison) are Preston's godparents, and we did his baptism during mass so we were all out there "in front of God and everybody." Preston still smells like the chrism that was rubbed all over his hairy little head! I also thought it was fitting that my little one was blessed with myrrh , considering the Christmas season. It was so neat to be able to baptize Preston in the same church that we were married in, and also by the same priest. After all my "issues" with the Catholic church, it is a blessing to have found one where we feel comfortable and welcomed. We had a luncheon at The Chancery restaurant afterwards, and it turned out to be a good time-- even though we didn't get Preston a cake! Totally forgot about that one...

I have to be honest that I was going into the day a little disappointed, and ended a little disappointed, though. Everyone who RSVP'd that they weren't coming did so last minute, even though we were appreciative that they let us know. However, there were a bunch of others who we expected to be there and then didn't show, which was a little annoying because we ended up with a TON of extra food at the restaurant that we otherwise would not have had to pay for (not that money was the major issue, but still... it was nearly a difference of 15 people less than what we expected). Oh well-- those who were there had a nice time, and most got to take the food home, so that was okay I guess. But food aside, I wished more that we could've had the other people there to celebrate with us on such a special day. I just suppose that will be the last time I do invitations that say "RSVP regrets only."

This week I'm working Monday, Weds and Thursday, while Skip is working Tuesday and Friday. He's on grocery shopping duty today :). No big plans for the next few weeks, which will be nice considering we've been going going going lately...