Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dreams 6/1 (So weird)

This was the weirdest set of dreams I've had in a long time. I woke up this morning in such an odd fog because I think my mind had only just recovered from constantly dreaming all night. It was a very weird feeling.

Anyways, it was all a big long series that just kept going: First, and I can't exactly remember the beginning, but I do remember having some type of a tornado dream and saying (in the dream) that I spoke too soon in my blog about not having a tornado dream in a long time. Then there were a few other little ones in there that I only remember snippets about. Then I was playing soccer with a bunch of Mexican guys (we had Mexican for dinner, so I'm sure that's why I was dreaming that). After we were done playing, I was in an outdoor kitchen with a bunch of them speaking spanish and they were showing me how to fry these donut-type things in a big pot of hot oil. I started fishing all of them out of there, and then I told them I had to use the bathroom/restroom. As one of the guys walked me to the bathroom, he asked what's the difference between saying "bathroom" and "restroom." I told him saying "restroom" was a little more polite. The bathroom was in a big park, and there was a weird attendant man in there (like there often was in South American and Mexican public bathrooms), and he had Joker makeup on-- Jack Nicholson Joker makeup. Odd. So I went into a stall and I overheard a couple of women saying how there was some rumor of a killer on the loose in the area. I got done and was walking out of the bathroom, when all of a sudden the bathroom attendant turned out to be the killer, and so we all started running away from him. He had this huge hatchet that he chucked across the field and it hit the bathroom lady and cut her leg off. Then my Mexican friend turned out to be a cop with a gun, so I told him to shoot the attendant, which he did. Then he apologized and started shooting at me and I realized he was the real killer. I kept trying to wake myself up because I was realizing it was all a very scary dream. Then I was all of a sudden back as a camp counselor, and the camp was back behind South Elementary school in CL. One of the kids was riding a little bike through the field, and I told him he needed to keep the bike on the pavement. Then a little later I went over to talk to him and he was all sad because he couldn't be talking about quantum physics anymore (or something like that, it was a very weird subject that a 6-year old would normally not have said). So I thought that was weird. Then I went over again to talk to him and he was all swollen and fat, and I asked him if he had gotten stung by a bee, and he said yes. So I picked him up and said that I was going to run him over to the Children's ER, which by now was right on the other side of the field-- by this point the kid's mom was there, and she had also gotten stung, as evidenced by a large welt on the side of her face. So I start running with this fat kid in my arms, and I get into the ER and they start working on him. The doctor was saying that if I hadn't gotten him in when I did that he would have died. I started trying to tell the kid that he would need to carry an Epi-Pen with him from then on, but he kept squirming around on the bed and wouldn't listen. I then was walking around the ER just looking around, and the doctor came up and squeezed my ass. Then all of the ER staff was goofing around with each other. Then I managed to wake myself up, thank the LORD.

I felt SO weird when I woke up.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Dreams 5/29 and General Reminiscence of D-Chi Days at Augustana

So, I keep having these recurring dreams that I am back visiting Augie, and I'm hanging out with all the current Delta Chis (I know who some of them are through my DCT family tree on Facebook). Why I keep dreaming this, I have no idea. I think the first time I started dreaming about them was when Sarah C. told me she had met a bunch of them at Augie last weekend when the 'Hams were there for Scott's graduation. Also, maybe it was because yesterday I had some strange hankering for a loaded baked potato from Arthurs or the super-unhealthy yet ever-so-tasty chili cheese nachos from the downstairs cafe at the College Center (I have craved those nachos at least once a month since I left there 5 years ago. Maybe it's because Jes and I would sit down there for hours at lunch time senior year in that back table hiding from everyone else on campus. Funny how some things stick with you...)

The first dream was thoroughly strange, as I was kind of "babysitting" the current girls in this huge hotel room... with Shay and Kim (Girls, I love you. I dream about you all the time... Just kidding, I have no idea why I thought about you when I was dreaming about Delta Chi, considering you two were Speeds). Anyways, Shay stayed up in this huge loft with the girls, and Kim and I were downstairs just about to fall asleep, when I look up and there's a huge tidal wave coming at us. I was afraid for all the girls, but I knew they would be fine because they were all so high up. However, Kim and I got soaked by the wave as it splashed into the room. After that I don't really remember much of the dream...

The latest dream was that I was back at Arthurs, but it looked like a combination of The Mark and Arthurs, like the bathrooms were back in this huge conference center-type area. And the restaurant part was like a restaurant, then all of a sudden I was talking to all of the girls who were on treadmills. I was trying to convince someone (like Sarah C. or Steph or someone, can't remember) to come and hang out with the girls with me, because I didn't want to be all by myself. I don't remember how oddly the dream must have morphed after that point...

Maybe I need to go back to Augie just to quell this strange obsession. I had thought about Homecoming, but that's not happening this year because I will look like I'm about ready to burst being so pregnant. Oh well, maybe next year. It's just very odd, but then again my dreams are always very odd. This pregnancy thing is just making them all the more peculiar. At least I haven't had a terribly scary one in quite a while (those are the worst-- I don't wish my scary dreams on anyone)... knock on wood!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

19-20 Week Update

Skip and I had our 18-20 week ultrasound yesterday, as well as our latest regular appointment with Dr. Barnabei afterwards. The ultrasound went really well, and it really was amazing to see all the developments that have happened with the baby since the last one. You could see every little finger and every little toe! The tech said all was well, and everything was measuring as it should. The Maternal Fetal Care Center doc came in and took a look as well, which was a little uncomfortable, because he didn't say practically more than 5 words the whole time. So much for bedside manner. However, he did say that everything looked good! We got some great pictures of Baby Manning. For now it's going to be a surprise as to the gender of the baby. I swear I saw a certain, ahem, "structure" that would indicate this is a boy, but then I also swear I heard the tech say something about it being a "beautiful girl" which I could have imagined (and she wasn't supposed to do, since we said we didn't want to know). So now I'm totally confused, which is fine, because I still don't know what the baby is! I feel like it is a boy, Skip thinks it's a girl-- so we'll just have to wait and see!

My appointment with Dr. Barnabei went fine as well, and she said everything sounded good. Her only concern was that I was getting enough to eat, because I've only gained a total of 4 pounds so far. I told her I eat enough, but I'm also cautious not to be one of the people who just gains and gains-- I have to LOSE that weight, you know. I just said I'm keeping close tabs on everything. So she said things are on track. We are going to sign up for a childbirth class pretty soon here, too.

So that's about it! Monday will be 20 weeks, so that officially makes it 5 months. More than halfway through!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dreams 5/11

Just one short one from Friday night, after having been at the Brewers game (I kept a scorecard for the whole game, and was very proud of myself that I remembered how to do it! I was a great game!):

I was back in summer softball, and we were playing on one of the old grass fields that probably is now part of the parking lot at South High School. I was catching, and someone pitched the ball, and I kind of fumbled it. Well, the girl on first base started stealing second, but SUPER slowly, and I thought to myself: "Are they seriously trying to steal with me behind the plate? This will be easy," (This often happened during summer ball, when they didn't know that nearly every catcher on our team could gun down people at second, because about 2/3 of our team played school ball-- so we could actually play, unlike many of the other teams during the summer. The other coaches would be surprised when their girls would be out by miles trying to steal...). Anyways, I go to throw the ball, and my cleat totally got stuck in the mud, and the ball only went like 3 feet. That was pretty much the end of the dream. Talk about an anxiety dream!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Update for the Pams :)

I was told I need to blog about my pregnancy by a couple of Pams... And I said I was! So, to appease these ladies and anyone else curious, I'll give a little update from our latest doctor's appointment.

We saw Dr. Barnabei last Friday morning (after waiting 30 mins from when our appointment was supposed to be... urgh). We just talked about how everything was going, and also got to hear the heartbeat. Still going strong! No news is good news at this point, as she said we're just kind of in "cruise control" for the next couple of months. We're officially 4 months (16 weeks) along! I've got to remember to go to the lab sometime this week for some bloodwork, though, since it was too crowded last week. Don't let me forget... Oh, and according to Babycenter, the Squirrel is the size of an avocado, and his/her heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood per day. Pretty cool!

In other news, Steph's bachelorette party was this Saturday, and a wonderful time was had by all! Especially Steph! A little embarassment of the Bride-to-Be, some games, food, wine (LOTS of wine) and chocolates made the night a success. Looking forward to August!