Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Post-Christmas news.

Last I posted was December 6th, so I've got some updating to do.  First off, I had my 26-week appointment on the 12th, which went well.  The scale did not cooperate, but the doctor is not worried, so I figured I'd just kick the gym-going into better gear, watch a little better what I eat, then just do what I do.  Except that the next day I got a call saying that I needed to go in for further testing to rule out gestational diabetes (based on a preliminary blood test that day).  So I did that, and thankfully everything came out okay.  Since my weight gain has been okay and I eat well, I asked the nurse what could have set off my elevated blood sugar at the first test, and she said it could have been a number of factors, so not to worry.  So I won't!  The baby is moving like CRAZY these days, so I know all is well inside there!

On the 17th, I once again coordinated and participated in TubaChristmas Milwaukee, our 5th year up at Bayshore.  Everything went really well, and we had an awesome turnout of over 30 players and probably 200 spectators.  It was pretty cool.  Boy was I sore after all the walking and tuba-carrying I had done that day, though!  We went to a Christmas party that night hosted by my old Bioethics mentor and now-neighbor Kris and her husband Tim, which was a really nice time.  Skip was particularly impressed by Tim's beer fridge, which he (Skip) strives to attain one day!  Sunday we went down to Racine for the annual Breakfast with Santa at the RYC.  Good times with Santa, crafts, and face-painting!

We visited with our good friends Adriane, Lawrence and Joe (5 days older than Preston) for a few hours on Wednesday night, as they were in town for a little while before the holiday.  It was great to see them - we miss them since they moved to Ohio!

As for Christmas weekend, I had my office lunch on Thursday, then we headed north to Algoma for a couple days.  It was really nice to get up there now that the crazy tourist season is over, even though not much is open.  We had a nice time, and throroughly completed our Christmas shopping at a variety of stores in the area, as well as just enjoyed the cool weather and relaxing, while looking over Lake Michigan.

We came down to CL from Algoma, and spent Christmas Eve at Harrisons - the first Christmas Eve away from Grandma Preston's house in about 30 years... It went really well, and I think everyone had a great time.  Christmas morning was at my mom and dad's, and then we came home for a leisurely evening just the 3 of us.  We vegged and cleaned house on Monday, and that was about it!

Preston and his new OBSESSIONS - Cars characters. 

Cheese face for a cheesy little girl!

You lose. :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Things that have changed since becoming a Mom.

Okay, I admit I'm copying this a little from another blog I just read, but I have some things that I can add to the mix.  For the better, for the worse, either way, I wouldn't trade any of these things back.

1.)  I'm busier.  No kidding!  But it's a different type of busy.  It may not be that I have plans every day of the week outside of the home, but I'm always doing something.  You've got to be "on" 100% of the time with a little one.  I am constantly preparing a meal, an activity, a bath, a diaper, a song, a dance... all the while fitting in laundry, cooking, cleaning, errands... all the while trying to find time to see loved ones!  It's a little crazy, and I know it will even get crazier when two are in the mix.

2.) I'm fatter. Yep, I said it.  I may weigh less now than I did when I was pregnant with Preston at this stage (approaching 24 weeks), but boy is my body different.  Pregnancy changes you both emotionally and physically.  The workouts I was doing between having Preston and getting PG with this little one would have made me the most in-shape girl when I was pre-baby.  Instead, my body reacted more like it being "maintenance."  I HAD to work out, just to keep from having my body parts keep repositioning themselves anymore than they already had during pregnancy!

3.) I have more fun, and I'm funnier.  Some people may argue this, since I don't go out as often as I did before, but I beg to differ if they say I don't have any fun.  I have so much fun every day I am with Preston.  God is he a character!  Some of the things he does make me laugh so hard, and I've learned all kinds of new ways to make HIM laugh.  Keeping a two-year-old entertained forces you to dig deep down into your "fun stash" and come up with some pretty creative ideas.  I've learned to see the pure joy in simply running through the living room or through the grass at the park.  I have the ability just to make a silly face and get an equally silly, smaller version of that face looking right back at me.  I've never made anyone else laugh as hard as I can make Preston laugh.  I've learned how exciting it can be just walking down the sidewalk picking up sticks and rocks, looking out the window of a train as the world goes rushing by, or just looking up at the sky.

4.) I'm more emotional.  If you know me, I was never one to wear my emotions on my sleeve, and I'm still not fully there (nor do I think I ever will be).  But wow... do I ever feel things more than I did before.  I watched an episode of Law & Order: SVU the other night, and started absolutely bawling when there was a baby who had died.  I never was a big "hugger," but now, I know how much better your day can be if you just hug someone who loves you.  I can look at something that I would have looked at before kids without a second glance, and now feel total sympathy, anger, frustration, happiness and a whole slew of other emotions that I would have never felt before looking at the same thing (like a TV commercial, or a person, or a news story, or a political figure). 

5.) I'm scared.  Sure I had things that I feared before: tornadoes, death, feet... But now I'm really scared.  I'm scared that I may screw something up in raising kids now that will scar them for life.  I'm scared that I'm going to die and leave Skip and Preston alone.  I'm scared that Skip's going to die and leave ME and Preston - and a new baby - alone.  I'm scared that I'll lose my job and my insurance, and not be able to support my family.  I'm scared that I'll lose contact with some of my very dear friends from H.S. and college because of #1 on this list.  I'm scared of losing Preston, and this new little one. 

6.) I'm a stronger wife.  I may not say I'm a better wife, because only Skip can judge that.  Sure, some of the things he and I argue about (heck, MOST of the things we argue about) these days have to do with kids and child-rearing, but it's made us a stronger PAIR.  We were raised a little differently, which means that how we want to raise Preston is sometimes different, but we've learned to work together so that we can use our experiences and apply them to our situation now.  Each of us are learning when to stand up for what we want to see in our children, but also when to back down a little from what we knew as kids.  Hell - we made a PERSON.  That kind of thing is something that I can't say I share with anyone else. 

7.) I'm happy.  Not that I wasn't happy before I had a child, but the type of happiness and "completeness" - at least for me - that came with having a baby was something I never foresaw.  I always have someone who needs me, and someone who can make me smile like no other.  There's literally a part of "me" walking around on his own, and he's a pretty darn good kid, which makes me happy.  I had someone this weekend tell me that Preston being as good as he is is a reflection of his parents, which makes me and Skip feel pretty darn good.  We're doing something right! 

8.) Something I WOULD like back: My belly button.  It's never going to be the same... wah wah wah :....(

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving and other ramblings

This past weekend was nice.  It started out on Wednesday afternoon, at which time we were sent home pleasantly early from work for the holiday.  So that meant I had plenty of time to get in a good workout at the gym, to preemptively counteract the effects of my upcoming foodings... I got done at the gym, then went to get Preston from Cassandra.  After that, he said he wanted to go meet "Oweeen," so I obliged :).  Guess what?  Owen is still really stinkin' cute!  Preston was very curious and very sweet to the little guy, which was good to see, since a.) this is really the first newborn Preston's ever been around, and b.) he's going to need to get used to it by March!  After our visit to Froedtert, we came home and made dinner.  Skip was a bit of a bear to wake up that evening, and once he actually woke up, he got a call from Meda-Care asking if he'd want to take a quick nurse call.  So off he went, but that kind of thing is totally fine since he makes some pretty darn good $$ when he gets called in like that.

Thursday morning I got up and went to the gym again, then left with absolute jello legs from all the lunges and squats we did.  That class was TOUGH!  Skip and Preston went down to Racine while I finished getting ready, then I met them down at the Yacht Club.  Charlie and Mary sort of oversee the serving of Tom & Jerry's every Thanksgiving morning, and we've made it a tradition to go down and visit the RYC.  Too bad I couldn't partake in the late-morning buzz that I've come to enjoy each year!  Oh well.  We hung out at Mannings for the rest of the afternoon, then had a really nice dinner.  After some relaxing, Skip came home and rested before work, while Preston and I went down to Crystal Lake.  An hour-and-a-half and a wrong-turn-in-Wilmot-that-landed-me-in-Twin-Lakes-so-I-had-to-backtrack later, we got to my mom and dad's.

Friday morning Preston stayed at the house and hung out with Papa, while I went out shopping with Sarah and her little blonde clones.  We managed to go to Kohl's, Target and Joseph's all without feeling the need to murder anyone on Black Friday.  Preston took a good nap at while I vegged for the rest of the day, then we went to Harrison's for Megan's 2nd birthday party.  It was very fun to see Megan, Preston and Sarah and Andy's niece Allie (November, October, and September-born, respectively) all playing so well together!  We had a little scare when Preston and Elizabeth took a bit of a tumble together down the stairs... but they were okay, so it was not the disaster it could have been! 

I ran some more errands on Saturday with Mom and Preston before coming home, then basically had a leisurely rest of the weekend.  Got my Christmas lights up, and Skip and Charlie got our new windows installed!

Now, some recent musings regarding Preston:

He LOVES the movie "Cars."  Especially Mater.  He'll go straight to the TV and say Cars? Mater? Watch?

He's obsessed with wearing his green shamrock hat these days.  He has to even wear it to bed.  Good thing he looks darn cute in it!  He will freak if you take it away!

The boy has about a 300 single-word vocabulary.  He doesn't string them together too often, but there's never any doubt to what he's saying, because he can say so many things!

He's so sweet at night time, and always says "Good night, Mommy" and "I yooou" (i.e. I love you) before he goes to bed.  It absolutely melts my heart.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Yep, total fail on the "post every day" thing... oh well.

So, I got to meet Owen August Ziemer yesterday!!  We are all SO happy for Sarah and Andy to have welcomed this tiny guy into their lives.  It turns out that Sarah had a little more than she bargained for when it came to delivering him, but all seems to be going well, and boy is he a cutie!  What a wonderful thing to be thankful for, coming right before Thanksgiving!

In other news, we had a nice weekend this past one, including driving down to Chicago to surprise my dad for dinner at the Parthenon.  We had all missed his birthday (the 11th) last weekend when we were up here celebrating Nancy, so my mom and he were downtown celebrating together.  We ran into some snaggle-traffic on our way down, but got there in time to have a great meal with the family (including Nancy, Jim and Mark). 

On Sunday, we took it easy in the morning, then went for a long walk around the VA grounds.  I tell ya, pushing a stroller with 24 lbs of Preston and a couple extra pounds on my own self is becoming a good workout!  After lunch, I headed down to the South Milwaukee H.S. Performing Arts Center where we were having our Knightwind Ensemble fall concert.  I think the concert went really well, and was a good "note" to end on for a while (I won't be playing in the spring since I'm due like the day of the concert).  Skip, Preston and I went to Guanajuato for a quick dinner afterwards, then home.

Bryan and Tamara have been making great progress on the drywall upstairs, and they are almost finished.  It's looking good so far, and I look forward to being able to paint then finish the floors and get up there!

As for Thanksgiving, we will be having our annual Tom & Jerry's at the Racine Yacht Club in the morning, then hanging with Mannings for the rest of the day.  After dinner, Skip's going to come home and sleep a little, then he works Thursday and Friday nights.  Preston and I will be going down to CL for a couple of days, mostly to celebrate Megan's 2nd birthday on Friday (her actual birthday was this past Sunday).  Should be fun times!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


21 weeks today!  Yay!

So that garbage-diving Scotch did the other night set off some massive GI issues in him... He's was throwing up all Tuesday evening and yesterday.  And of course he only had the decency to puke on the kitchen floor or a crappy carpet runner once or twice - the rest of the time it was on the livingroom carpet (we had our carpet professionally cleaned just before Preston's birthday, so it had been looking pretty stellar).  So I had to go on my way to band last night and get some industrial-strength spot shot to get the stains out.  When I got home from band, I was totally awake so I cleaned up the spots.  I must say, the stuff worked wonders, although it was pressurized from being in my cold car for 3 hours... it squirted uncontrollably when I first opened it (that's what she said...).  In all honesty, though, Skip and I were pretty worried about him because he normally has an iron stomach and rarely gets sick.  Skip said he was laying on the couch shivering last night.  Poor pup. :(

As of this morning, my dog seems to be better, although he totally and completely commandeered the bed last night, which made it basically impossible for me to get much sleep (we had him cordoned off into our temporary room so he wouldn't puke in the aforementioned livingroom).  When I did try to move him, he just sat (and he sits really tall) and STARED at me for god-knows how long, because I eventually fell asleep.  When I did wake up from my hips being sore from not moving from not having any space, Scotch was laying ON me.  And he's almost 70 pounds.  Yay...  Back to the couch tonight, pal!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Evil Red Dog is on my shit list again

Urgh... I got up this morning in plenty of time to actually blow-dry my hair for once, until I looked out into the kitchen and saw this long drip of something that was reddish brown.  Scotch had been a little restless last night, so I was worried at first that maybe he had pooped or something from an upset stomach... nope.  I glance toward the living room, and every foot or so there is about a 6-inch drip of the same thing from the kitchen, leading to the middle of the living room where the empty GIZZARD BAG was from the turkey Skip cooked last night.  Freaking GIZZARD BLOOD was the stains on my NEWLY CLEANED CARPET.  He must've gotten the bag when he went garbage-diving in the middle of the night.  And in retrospect, the stuff in the kitchen must've been what I stepped in when I went to fill his water bowl at 2:00 this morning (I had just thought it was slobber).  So, instead of blowdrying my hair, I spent 20 minutes scrubbing blood out of my carpet.  And it's definitely not gone yet.  I foresee an evening of scrubbing my carpets... not like I don't have anything better to be doing...

Anyways, we also have drywall on the walls upstairs!  Bryan and Tamara got some serious progress done this past weekend, and it really is all starting to come together.  I am so excited!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A girl's weekend in one-liners.

Hello everybody!!

Random Saturday night.

Do they make maternity club tops?

Big white pole.

Red and green shit.

These aren't maternity pants, they are my eatin' pants.

Wouldn't be a Saturday night without some random guy.

Let's get Grandma a Rascal.  "See ya, suckers!"

Mom, YOU get out of the car!

Falafel is awful (a couple hours later).

Sorry Grandma!

Edited to add: Amazing, White Amazing, Namaste and Cluck Cluck!

And also Bust a Cap!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

20 weeks - half way there!

Okay, so I'm not very good at this "post on blog every day" thing, but oh well.  I'm 20 weeks today!  Half way there, or, not quite half way there if this little one decides to come almost a week late like his/her brother did... :)  I had a weird lightheaded spell just a few minutes ago, though, so that was a little disconcerting.  "Head issues" are really the only thing that I've had to deal with this pregnancy.  I started taking loratadine (Claritin) a few times a week to help with headaches, since my doctor thought they were most likely sinus in nature.  It's helped quite a bit, but I think my blood pressure has been acting up (or should I say low) lately, too.  It always runs on the low side (I'm regularly in the 106/60 range), but at the onset of the pregnancy Skip took it at one point and it was like 90/50... pretty low.  So I just have to stand up slowly and let my body readjust so that I don't get lightheaded.  I suppose if this is the worst symptom I have, I can handle it!  I almost forgot to say that I have my big ultrasound tomorrow, so that should give us a nice update of how things are going with little Bean!

I'm looking forward to this weekend, for two reasons.  First off, my drywall is being put in!! Yay!! Skip's good friend Bryan and his wife Tamara will be doing the job for us, as they do construction work on the side.  As soon as the drywall is done, we can paint, put the floors in, then LIVE up there.  I'm SO EXCITED!

Secondly, all of the Hart/Preston ladies (well, most of us) are getting together this weekend up here in MKE to celebrate my aunt Nancy's 50th birthday!  My grandma's maiden name is Hart, and there will be 12 of us celebrating: Grandma, my mom, my aunts Nancy, Pat and Emily, my mom's cousin Marie, one of her daughters, Megan (we'll miss her other daughter Caroline), my cousins Amy, Allison and Cate, and me and Sarison.  We plan on visiting the Domes, the Milwaukee Public Market, dinner at Joey Buona's and who knows what else!  It should be a GREAT time!

Stay tuned for another post with updates from the weekend!

Monday, November 7, 2011


Calm the crazy!  I swear Preston is a total nut job sometimes!  Tonight, he decided he wanted nothing to do with dinner, but would rather whine for literally 30 seconds at a time... straight.  The kid can hold a note longer that an opera singer!  So, we decided to go for a ride in the car to get the crazies out.  It sort of worked... until when we got back he started climbing up on the backs of the couches.  Scotch is a bad example... Then Preston thought it would be funny to wear Scotch's choke collar as a hat, until I heard him around the corner going "uh oh." Apparently the "hat" fits over his head, which I did not think it did.  Oops, Mommy fail.  So we fixed that, and he proceeded to whack the hell out of Scotch's face with the now-weapon he had.  That warranted a little staredown until he said sorry to Scotch, which he eventually did.  I'm so proud of my dog these days, he's so patient.  Every once in a while, though, they will be horsing around and he (Scotch) will get Preston's arm in his mouth (soft mouth), and look up at us with this "just a little taste?" look.  Stinker...
Then, wham, he decided he'd go to bed.  5 minutes later there was silence in the house.  Boy am I lucky to have a little one who sleeps so well!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weekend in Review

Welp, let's see.  Skip was working both Friday and Saturday night (which he rarely does), so I had P to myself this weekend.  So we got up Saturday morning, had some breakfast, then hung with Skip for a little while when he got home from work.  When Skip went to bed, Preston and I headed downtown for the Veteran's Day parade.  We got a nice spot to sit, and Preston loved seeing the horses, and listening to all the bands.  It was a pretty long parade, so he reached his limit after a while, so we came home for lunch.  After lunch, we both took a nap for a while, which basically ate up the rest of the day.  I had a list of stuff to get done, but have been getting tired in the middle of the afternoon lately, so I just needed the nap (taking advantage of being able to nap on the weekends, since I can't at work, obviously...).  Yesterday evening we had dinner, then just vegged for the night.

This morning was an early one, since two-year-olds obviously don't get the memo on sleeping for an extra hour, but I was prepared for that.  Since Preston isn't one to eat his breakfast first thing when he wakes up, he played for a little bit while I cleaned the shower and tub.  Yep, 6:45 and I was cleaning the shower!  By 8:00, we had already finished breakfast, I had washed the dishes, and had even scrubbed the stovetop.  Skip got home from work right about then, so we hung out with him for a little bit before getting ready to go to the zoo (should've been going to church, but it is seriously too hard for me to keep Preston still for an hour by myself these days at mass; I give him a couple months to work out his crazies, and we should be okay).  We got to the zoo by 9:45, which was perfect since barely anyone was there.  We had a really good time, and Preston was ecstatic when we got to ride the choo-choo!  I've never seen such a goofy grin on his face!

We came home, had some lunch, then napped again.  I've decided I love napping, even though I rarely ever do it!  After our naps, we got outside to clear some of the leaves that pile up in our driveway and front.  Preston had fun with his little lawnmower "mowing" the  leaves up. After dinner, we watched Beauty and the Beast, then the little beast hit the sack.  It really was a great weekend!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I've decided that though pomegranates are delicious, they are just too much work.  I just ate one (rather, the seeds from one), and not only did it take me like 15 minutes just to get the seeds out, my fingers are all pink now!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Two posts in two days, sweet.  Anyways, I thought I would write about Preston in this one again.  We had him sleeping in the pack-n-play in the front room again while the renovations are going on.  We are on a full-sized (ugh) mattress in the other room.  So, Preston went to stay with my mom and dad one night, and my mom let me know that "the party is over" and that P can get out of the pack-n-play now... uh oh!  I was a little worried of him getting out now in the middle of the night at our house, so he was nice enough just to get out for the first time during his nap... stinker.  We had the crib mattress just up against the wall down there, and I thought to put it next to the pack-n-play, just in case he fell out.  Well one day, after trying for the third time to get him to stay in the pack-n-play at naptime, I asked him if he would rather sleep on the mattress, to which he shook his head yes.  Okay... So, I put a pillow and blanket on there, laid him down, then didn't hear him for 2 1/2 hours!  Let's just say he's been sleeping on his big boy "bed" ever since. :)  We plan on having him in a toddler bed when we get back upstairs, so this will ease that transition immensely!

I, on the other hand, cannot WAIT to get back into our queen-sized bed upstairs.  A full mattress is way too small for me and Skip's ginormous legs.  Not to mention I don't have space to toss and turn like I am doing frequently these days!

A few pics from P's birthday:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

NaBloPoMo and House update

Apparently November is National Blog Posting Month, so I am going to attempt to write a blog post for every day in November (stick with me... no promises).  This is an extra long post to make up for missing 2 days.

I have been attempting to put a big post up about the renovations we've been working on in our house, but I can't seen to get the pictures to upload correctly.  So, since most of the 2 people who read this blog are also my friends on Facebook, I'll let the pictures on there speak for themselves, and here's the description of what we did:

Pre-renovation set-up
If you've been in our house, you know we have 2 bedrooms downstairs (the back room has a sliding door out to a 3-season porch, and no interior door, so it's kind of a den; we put a door on the other room, so it's a real bedroom), and technically 2 bedrooms upstairs.  You would walk past a lovely array of tan shag carpet on the walls of the staircase, to come to a room at the top of the stairs.  A good-sized room with a big closet, but you had to walk through it to get to the 2nd room.  The second room had old carpet and weird paneling on the walls, but was otherwise useful.  There is also a 3/4 bath up there.  When we first moved in, Skip and I were sleeping in the back bedroom downstairs, while Preston was in the front room, the one with a door.  After a few months of our ridiculous schedules making it impossible for us to sleep, we moved just our beds upstairs.  Ours in the big room, and Preston's crib in the other "room."  It worked okay, but every time one of us walked past P, we'd risk waking him up. Not to mention all of our stuff was still downstairs (clothes).

Plan of attack, steps completed so far:
1.) Remove carpet from walls.  This was easy.  Unfortunately, it allowed us to notice ants were in the walls.  Jim and Andy went to town and opened a hole in the wall, only to have hundreds of gigantic carpenter ants fall out (*shudder*).  Orkin has since been involved, and the ant problem is gone.  We still, however, have a gigantic hole in the wall.  At least it's now insulated and vapor-barriered, ready for drywall...

2.) Cut wall at top of stairs down to 1/2 wall.  After removing the door and frame from the top of the stairs, this was relatively easy.  It now is sort-of a loft space at the top of the stairs, and will allow a lot more light into the upstairs hallway.

3.) Make a hallway and new bedroom walls.  We cut out basically all of the existing walls in the walk-through room, and now have framed a hallway, and pushed back where the old walls were so they are more into the attic.  The room will be small, but plenty functional for 2 little kiddos.  We also rebuilt the closet, which was a necessity to be able to consider it a bedroom.

4.) Pull the weird paneling off the walls in our bedroom, and build a new closet.  This was surprisingly easy, since the paneling was very weakly secured to the framing.  We have since re-insulated the open space, and put up a vapor barrier.  The huge closet is also framed and ready to go.  It will be great to have so much storage space in a style/age of house that usually doesn't.  Our room will be a little smaller, but still plenty big for all of our stuff.

5.) Drywall everything.  This is sort of at a standstill.  We're getting professionals to come in, but have been back and forth with pricing.  The hope is to have this done within 2 weeks... ha, stay tuned on that one!

6.) New flooring.  Thanks to Charlie and Mary, we have really nice new Pergo flooring and quality wood subfloor ready to go as soon as the drywall gets in.  We will do that ourselves.

7.) Put in windows.  We currently have vapor barrier and plywood nailed up over the gaping holes that were and will be windows.  The new windows are waiting in the porch to be put in.  My dad says we will be upgrading 5 generations worth of windows with the new ones, compared to the ancient ones that were there before (and by ancient, I don't mean orginal to the house, like most of our downstairs windows are.  The upstairs ones were just old, leaky (when they wanted to open) and ugly).

Hey, after all this is done, maybe we can actually get to moving our stuff back up there and living there, just in time to have our lives thrown around some more with the arrival of a new baby!

Speaking of baby, I'm 19 weeks along today!  Everything has been progressing wonderfully, albeit a bit faster than things did with Preston.  I've been feeling well.  I have my 2nd trimester anatomy ultrasound next week, so we are looking forward to seeing the baby again.   We'll stay on "team green" again with this one, waiting until March to find out if it's a boy or girl!

Preston is 2.  Holy cow!  These past 2 years have absolutely flown by, but in the best possible way.  We had a few people over for a low-key birthday celebration last weekend, which went well.  Elmo was the theme, and Preston loved it.  What a laid-back guy he is.  He is just spitting out words left and right these days, so we have to be very careful about what we say around him! (Ex: Skip, and his sarcastic potty mouth, said last night "What's up, bitches?!" only to hear 5 seconds later: "Up bishes!"   Oops...)  Other than that, I think potty training is in the mix now, since it's like wrestling an alligator trying to change that little dude's diapers.  He seriously doesn't have an ounce of fat on him!  He was 23.5 lbs and 33 inches at his dr. appointment last week, which is still pretty tiny.  But back on the charts, so we're happy!  Everything else with him is wonderful!

Monday, September 19, 2011

An update

Let's see...

August 25th was the last time I updated (besides the recent pregnancy posts!), so I've got to look on my calendar to see what's been going on.  I guess that takes us to Labor Day weekend.  I took Friday off from work, and let's just say that was basically the beginning of the end.  I was pretty darn crabby all weekend long, and I feel bad about it since we were looking for a few days of rest up in Algoma/Door County.  When we got up there Friday, we bummed around Algoma, made dinner, then went up to Sturgeon Bay to see what was going on.  Basically nothing.  We listened to some music in the park for a little while, walked around, then went back down to Algoma.  On Saturday, there was a festival going on in Sister Bay, so we headed up to Door County... along with the rest of the world.  There were just so many people up there that weekend, and it put me in an even more crabby mood than I had already been in.  I had been so absolutely exhausted at the beginning of this pregnancy that it was just taking its toll on me.  We had a nice lunch in Fish Creek, but I just reached my limit after a few hours in Sister Bay.  So we headed back south towards Algoma, much to Skip's annoyance...  Once we got back down there, we got stuff for dinner, cooked out, then crashed.  Sort of a bust of a day.  Sunday, we planned to go to Bay Beach in Green Bay so that Preston could have some fun on the kiddie rides there.  Well, after standing in line for 1/2 hour waiting for food, dropping nacho cheese on the ground (and my foot) after a bee landed on me, yelling obscenities following the bee incident, waiting in line for 3 rides and not ending up on any of them and Preston melting down... we left.  It was not the best show of family love... but we got over it and had an okay drive home.  Preston and I watched Skip in the All City People's Parade on Monday then checked out Laborfest, and that about topped off our weekend... woohoo...

The weekend of the 10th-11th was good, as we got to work on a couple of things around the house as well as celebrate Stephanie's 28th birthday with a walking tour of the Third Ward.  After the very interesting tour, we had dinner at Cafe Benelux, which was very tasty.  We've had the daughter of one of my colleagues/mentors babysitting Preston occasionally these days, so it was nice to get out just the two of us.  Like I said, we made a trip to Home Depot on Sunday to get a few things house-related, which is always fun.

This past weekend my mom and dad came up and helped us with some more house stuff, including cleaning up the outside front landscaping, pulling the nasty carpet off the staircase walls, and general moral support and meal-provision. :)  The carpet came off pretty easy, but there is lots of dried glue on the walls underneath, so it will be a little while before that all looks up to par yet.  We went to dinner at Joey Buona's to visit with Sister Marge, which is always entertaining.  There was no hiding this pregnancy after that dinner - I seriously had a pasta-baby inside after all that food!  Skip had a JamLuck fundraiser with his band on Saturday night, which it sounds like went off great.  On Sunday Preston and I met my mom and dad at church, then had $12.95 lobster dinners for lunch at the Milwaukee Public Market.  Seriously the best offer in the area, it was so good!  Skip and I have ended up with so many leftovers now that we don't have to cook for a couple of days.  Sweet!

Next weekend is a big house weekend.  We will be tearing apart the upstairs and rebuilding some walls, so please pray that all goes well.  I'm not going to lie that I'm a little overwhelmed by everything...

It has begun...

... welp, I know I'm pregnant because I am officially craving rediculously salty, unhealthy, spicy flavored snacks.  With Preston it was Jalapeno potato chips (which, sadly, the CHW deli no longer carries).  Just now, I downed almost an entire bag of Snyder's Hot Buffalo Sauce pretzel pieces.  But, they're pretzels, so that means they're healthy... right?  ;)

I'm also DYING because I'm so tired.  I don't remember feeling this exhausted with Pman.  Maybe this is my girl...

Preston's going to be a big (well, at least OLDER) brother!

I am sitting here writing this post on July 25th, less than a week since I found out that I am PREGNANT!!  We are expecting our next little bundle of joy on March 29th, 2012.  I just had to get something down now to capture the emotions I've been feeling, but I'm not quite ready to share with the world yet...

So, I took the first test last week on Wednesday, and it had the faintest faaaaiiintest second line on it.  Skip and I were both totally confused. Were we or weren't we?!  I called my sister the next day and told her what was up, so she and I met in Brookfield that afternoon so that she could give me the extra tests she had at home.  Preston was with me, but we actually decided to go ahead into Charcoal Grill to have one "last" drink (both in case I was PG, and also since they were going to be moving and we wouldn't be able to meet).  Slap my hand if you want, but I had wine.  And a good pour it was. :)

As we were sitting there, Sarah says, "oh just go take the test already!"  So, I actually went into the bathroom and took it.  I brought it back out in the bag, waited a few minutes, then took a peek.  Hmm... Sarah says, "it says pregnant, doesn't it?"  Yes it did!  Holy crap!  Maybe TMI, but I have only been off birth control for less than a month, and we TOTALLY didn't expect it to happen this fast!  We're totally prepared and excited, but just surprised at me apparently being Fertile Myrtle!

I drove home with a bajillion thoughts going through my head, and when I showed Skip the test at home, he goes, "yeah?!"  He was so happy. :)  That's when I started crying :) 

We are just SO happy that this has worked out the way it has.  I'm feeling pretty good, albeit pretty tired.  I am looking forward to the next 9 months of anticipation, but most of all to be able to add another little member to our family in March! (Well, probably April if this little one is anything like his/her brother!)

Now to get the house ready... lord help us!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Three Illinois weekends!

We have had a whirlwind of driving to various things lately, all in Illinois.  Not that I mind, though, because we have a nice vehicle that gets pretty darn good gas mileage (actually, the Mazda gets the best, but it hates me right now for not keeping up on necessary maintenance... so it stays within an hour-and-a-half drive of home).  Anyways, the weekend of the 13th-14th of August was the first IL weekend.  Skip unfortunately had to work, so P and I were on our own.**  We rode down to LaSalle with Steph and Mike for Jes's baby shower.  It was nice visiting with the Hackers on the way down, and seeing everyone at the shower.  I am so excited for Jes and Charlie and to meet that little one when he/she decides to make his/her entrance!

After the shower, Preston and I transferred our stuff and rode into Chicago with Shay and Lindsay.  A couple hours and some nasty weather/traffic later, we arrived at our hotel downtown and met Sarah and Andy and the girls.  Preston and I weren't up for going out to dinner, so we just hung at the hotel while the Harrisons went out.  We all pretty much crashed really early that night, especially since Sarah had to get up at the crack of dawn Sunday morning for the Rock & Roll Half Marathon she was running.  She woke me up to say bye at about 5:30 that morning, then Andy and me and the kids got up and moving around 7.  We had a nice breakfast at the hotel, then walked down to Grant Park to meet Sarah at the finish line.  She finished in about 2 1/2 hours, which she was very proud of!  We were proud of her, too!  We hung around the hotel for a little while before heading to Union Station to catch our train home (thanks, Linds for keeping the car seat overnight!).  Preston absolutely LOVED the "choo choo," that is, until we both totally fell asleep.  Something about the chugging of a train just lulls you to sleep...  (Thanks to Sarah and Lilly Weseloh for picking us up from the train station in MKE!)

This past weekend, Skip and I dropped Preston off in Racine to spend some time with Mannings, while we went down to Morton for my friend Rusty's wedding.  It was great to get a chance to catch up with a great friend and some other folks from my band days at Augie!  I am so happy for Rusty and his new family.  After Morton, Skip and I decided we would come back up north via Chicago, which ended up totally sucking in terms of weather.  I don't have issues driving on Chicago expressways, but thunder, lightning and torrential rain don't make for much fun.  So we stopped for lunch (and respite!) at The Parthenon.  It was super quick, but as always, a wonderful meal!  The weather had stopped by the time we got back in the car, so it took us no time to get back up to Sturtevant (to get Scotch from Meshenkys) and Racine.  Preston and Mannings had a wonderful visit together!!  We pretty much took it easy for the rest of the weekend...

As for this coming weekend, P and I are back down to IL, and Skip is back to work :(.  My uncle Steve and aunt Jill will be in CL, so we're going down there for a quick visit.  Hopefully we'll get a chance to see the Dwyers as well, as it's been too long since we've visited!  We'll be back up in WI by Saturday evening, and plan to hit up a cookout with our good Knightwind friends Roger and Kathy, then maybe do some house stuff.  We had some informal "estimates" from Skip's buddy Nikolai on what we can do to our upstairs, so it looks like we're going to get the ball rolling on that sooner rather than later!  How exciting!

** A little disclaimer, here, in case you are thinking to yourself after reading through my posts: "gee, Skip seems to work a lot and is never around..."  Not true.  Not at all.  Our schedule is totally weird and atypical, I'll give you that much.  It's not one that many people could handle, and to be honest, it's not what either of us prefer at the moment either.  However, we do what we have to do.  I work over 40 hours per week, and only get nights and weekends off.  The only thing is that it's constant and predictable.  On the other hand, Skip works an average of 60 hours every two weeks, occasionally more or less depending on his on-call hours at the ER or when he's on the ambulance.  So technically, he's home more often than I am!  On days after Skip's shifts (which are typically from 7pm - 7am), Preston will be at the babysitter so Skip can sleep.  Otherwise, Skip is a part-time stay-at-home-dad, which is wonderful.  The only problem is that weekends are free game for him to work, which means that a lot of the time I'm on my own with Preston on the weekends.  It sucks, because Skip does miss out on some fun times with friends and family, but we're doing what we have to do right now.  Skip absolutely loves his job, so there's no changing it for now.  We will handle what comes to us as it happens!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer so far

I haven't posted in a while, but it's just been kind of a run-of-the-mill summer so far, though we've thoroughly been enjoying it!  June was pretty low-key, with a few softball games and Skip basically working his tush off to make some extra money for our trip up north in July.  The 4th of July weekend was fun, but I think we all kind of overdid it with being in the sun!  We were able to go down to Woodstock Saturday to swim with Nancy and Jim and Cate for a bit, then also spent some time with Mannings at the yacht club on Sunday.  Preston had tons of fun playing in the sand and riding in a kayak and paddleboat with me.

We had a really nice trip up north, and Skip finally got to relax and go fishing all week.  He, Jim and Michael managed to catch a nice batch of fish that my dad fried up for lunch on Thursday the 7th.  It was pretty hot and steamy up there the first couple of days, but cooled down to nice sweatshirt weather by the middle of the week.  Good thing we weren't there the next week when it was stifling... We might have been sort of miserable!  Skip headed down to Neenah on that Friday to join his band for a gig down there, then we all were home by Saturday afternoon.

This past weekend was a little crazy, but good overall.  I got home from work on Friday and Skip left town again, this time heading north (with the Evil Red Dog) for Kevin Roberson's bachelor party with Munch.  The boys had a great time just chilling on the lake and drinking... at least that's what Skip told me they did!  Preston and I got up and went over to Waukesha to help Harrisons move down to Crystal Lake.  They finally sold their house and found a nice place down in CL, so it was time for their Wisconsin residence to come to an end.  It's bittersweet, because we will miss being able to do things with them up here, but in all reality it will still happen.  Just not during the week.  We're excited for their new life down there, though, and for Andy to finally not have to commute 3 hours each day to and from McHenry. 

Anyways, Mom and Dad took the kids, while I packed up their closets in my car and we filled up the van and truck with all the non-heavy things.  The movers got to the house and started on the big stuff, so we headed south.  After moving stuff into the CL house, I took a quick break back and my mom and dad's, then we all finished what we could and had dinner back at S&A's.  The movers didn't get to the house until 7pm, ridiculously, so Harrisons had a pretty late first night.  On Sunday, Mom, me, Preston and Megan ran some errands around CL, then we went back over to S&A's for a little while before heading up to Woodstock.  After a little swimming and dinner, P and I headed home.

In the meantime, Skip is now up farther north in Elcho, WI serving as Medical Director for the boy scout camp he attended and worked at in his scout days.  He will be there all week tending to the medical needs of the kids up there, at the same time enjoying the various activities the camp has.  I'm excited to hear stories!

Aside from this coming weekend of hopefully some downtime, August is looking busy already.  I think I'm going bridesmaid dress shopping with Cunninghams (yay!) next weekend, then the weekend after that I will be down in Illinois for Jes's baby shower then in Chicago cheering Sarison on in the Rock & Roll 1/2 marathon.  Then the next weekend it's back down to central IL for Rusty's wedding in Morton!  Holy balls the summer flies by!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why I do not support the current budget being proposed and voted on in Madison right now:


1.) "Under current law, qualified aliens receive food stamp benefits. Federal law allows, but does not require, a state to provide those benefits, and any state that does provide such benefits must pay the whole cost itself. This bill eliminates the provision of food stamp benefits to qualified aliens in this state."
2.) "This bill eliminates the requirement that a municipality or county operate a recycling or other program to manage solid waste in compliance with the disposal restrictions, eliminates the financial assistance program for local governmental recycling programs, and prohibits an individual from placing materials such as aluminum containers with materials to be disposed of in a landfill or incinerator."
3.) "This bill eliminates the family income requirement for a pupil who wishes to attend an MPCP school beginning in the 2011−12 school year if the pupil did not attend an MPCP school in the 2010−11 school year."
4.) "With limited exceptions, the bill eliminates all current economic development grant and loan programs administered by Commerce, including grants to Wisconsin Business Development Finance Corporation for a capital access program; grants and loans to a business or researcher for projects generally related to renewable energy; loans to manufacturing businesses for projects generally related to energy efficiency and renewable energy; grants and loans to businesses for diversifying a local economy; grants and loans for improving the profitability of businesses negatively impacted by a casino; grants to the city of Milwaukee to fund remediation and redevelopment projects in the Menomonee Valley; grants to the Center for Advanced
Technology and Innovation; grants to businesses for employee skills training or other education; grants to businesses for expenses in hiring students as paid interns; and grants and loans to businesses, municipalities, and other entities for encouraging minority businesses and businesses in economically distressed areas, and for strengthening urban and rural communities."

5.) "Under current law, DHS reimburses certain hospitals for hospital care provided under MA to MA recipients and makes supplemental payments to certain hospitals. This bill eliminates the supplemental payments from the MA program to essential access city hospitals."

6.) "Under current law, DHS provides funding for family planning services, including maintaining a state plan for community−based family planning programs and specific annual grants. This bill eliminates this family planning services funding."
7.) "Current law requires health insurance policies and self−insured governmental and school district health plans to cover the cost of contraceptives prescribed by a health care provider and of outpatient consultations, examinations, procedures, and medical services that are necessary to prescribe, administer, maintain, or remove a contraceptive. This bill eliminates these requirements."
Frankly, I got sick of reading the rest.  I'm already sick enough today.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Update 6/8

Haven't updated in a little while, so here goes:

On the weekend of May 21st and 22nd,  Liz and Kermit hosted a really nice cookout on Saturday afternoon, which was very nice!  It was great to see their house, their puppy! and visit with everyone.  It was the first realy nice day of the summer, so it was great to be outside (Skip was doing stuff at Meda-Care then had planned some band things, so Preston and I stayed overnight in CL).  Sunday morning we got up and headed back up to MKE, because Harrisons suggested we all get together and try to get the $10 Goodwill seats for the Brewers game that day.  Thinking it was just a Sunday and not a marquee game, we figured we'd have no problems getting tickets.  Turns out we had problems.  5 people ahead of Michael, Andy and Jim in line, tickets sold out.  Bummer!  We were having fun, though, so we decided to stick around in the parking lot and listen to the game for a while as we finished our tailgating.  It was SO sunny and hot out, though, so we reached our limits.

We left the game and went down to the lake, then to the Palomino at Skip's birthday request for an early dinner.  The food was really good, but service was uber slow and we had all pretty much had enough sun by that point, so a few of us were a bit crabby...  We got back to our house and visited with Mom and Dad for a little while, then they headed back home.  It was a good weekend overall... but I got super sunburned!

The weekend of the 28th was another good one.  Preston and I got out in the morning and checked out the Tosa Farmers Market, which was pretty cool.  There were tons of people out, and we got some delicious-looking herbs and veggies to plant: 2 kinds of basil, 3 kinds of peppers, tomatoes and cilantro.  After the Market we went to Menards so that I could get some flowers to plant (I would have loved to get them at the market, but they were just too expensive... I'll stick with the market for foodstuffs).  We got home in time to have a little lunch, then I laid Preston down for his nap.  Good little boy slept for over 2.5 hours, so I was able to get out and plant my flowers in the window box on the back patio.

Our eccentric little window box.. Time began in a garden,
according to the previous owners...
 After Preston woke up, I still needed veggies for dinner so we checked out the West Allis Farmers Market.  It was all flowers and herbs and such, too, so we ended up at Outpost.  That's really the only place close to our house where I could get quinoa, which I was jonesing for.  So I got that, and some of the most expensive damn tomatoes ever...then went home and cooked it up, along with something else healthy that I can't remember.  I was having a health kick that day!

Loving the quinoa!
 On Sunday, we decided in the morning that it would be fun to get tickets for the Brewers game, since the tickets were 1/2-priced and hotdogs were only a $1.  So I walked down to the ticket gate and was in line by 10:20 (being prepared after the weekend before!).  Good lord there are some weirdos who wait in line for tickets that early!  Think: Rookie of the Year, the people sitting out in the bleachers.  You get the picture.  Anyways, I managed to get a couple of tickets in a good section, then came home to get ready.  We ended up stopping at Fiesta Garibaldi to get a snack (they're menu is back!!) and take their shuttle, since it had started pouring rain by the time we wanted to go.  The game was a good time, got to see the Brew-Crew take one home, which was nice.

After the game, we rushed over to Weseloh's so we could celebrate William's 2nd birthday.  Time totally flies, I can't believe he's 2 already!  We had a great time visiting with their family, as always, and only did a little stalking of our old house across the street... :)

I had a concert on Memorial Day at the Wisconsin Memorial Park, which essentially is a cemetary.  However, they also have a museum and chapel where people can come anytime, and they had us perform in the chapel.  The concert was pretty good, a little cramped, but I think the people watching got a good show.  It was too bad we didn't have a group picnic or anything afterwards, but that was okay.  We tried to catch the end of the downtown parade after my concert, but missed it.  So, we just bummed down by the lake, which was absolutely gorgeous that day.  We splashed in the art museum fountain, saw some kites, and really just had a nice day.  We got home to cook Skip's steaks and mussels he bought with his MKE Public Market gift certificate he got from my parents for his b'day.  What a treat!

Loving the fountain!

Time to be done!

Notice the leash disappearing.  Scotch wanted nothing to
do with the splashing!

My two hairy boys. :)

Mussels, straight from the shell!
This past weekend, I got out and mowed our newly filled in grass, and planted my veggies I was slacking on.  Our yard is really coming together!!

Getting so filled in!  Notice my pretty hanging baskets. :)
Tomatoes and peppers over there by the fence. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I had band last night, and it worked out well this week because Skip didn't have to go to work until 11.  So he stayed home and put Preston down while I was out.  I got home, watched a little TV, then went to bed.  Well, I should have known what the night was going to entail when I walked past Preston's crib just to check on him, and I couldn't feel him.  That's because I couldn't see that he was sitting up in the corner, looking right at me.  Kind of startling, but funny.  So I quietly laid him back down, then I went to bed.  At about 11:30 I woke up to him crying, which unfortunately has been happening a lot more lately in the middle of the night.  I don't know if it's his teeth or if he's having bad dreams or what, but usually if I just go in there and rub his back he'll go right back to sleep, usually for the rest of the night.  Not last night.

I went in there, and tried to get him back down, which he wasn't having.  So I ended up just bringing him into bed with me.  6 or 8 months ago he would've fallen right asleep in my arms, and I'd put him back in his crib after an hour or so.  Now, since he's really not in bed with us much anymore, he was wide awake.  Calm and quiet, but wide awake.  I was kind of dozing off, but I was too worried to completely fall asleep because I didn't want him either climbing or falling out of the bed.  I had visions of him escaping down the stairs and out the back door... Plus, every couple of minutes I'd feel this little finger poking my cheek or picking my nose, and I'd open my eyes and see these little beady black spots two inches from my face... So neither of us was sleeping.  However, every time I'd put him back in his crib he'd be fine for a few minutes, then soon be crying hysterically for me.

We went back and forth like this for probably 3 hours between my bed and putting him back in his crib.  I finally gave him some motrin and rocked him in his room for a little while, I think this all has to do with teething, and then I finally left him in there to cry it out.  I felt horrible, but I knew he would fall asleep eventually.  It really was only like 10 minutes, but it felt like forever.

So this morning, I go to wake him up, and he was like a zombie.  A smiling one, but a zombie nonetheless.  Our babysitter Cassandra's son has been in the hospital for the past week-and-a-half following a burst appendix, so we've been having a different babysitting setup each day. Sarison's helped, and yesterday my dad came up.  Today, it is the backup plan that the college offers, which means Preston is in the daycare facility right across the street from the college.  It's a wonderful plan that allows us to "drop in" when needed, up to 8 days per year, and the college subsidizes the whole day, except a small copay from us (it seriously is a great benefit).  We've used it twice this year, and Preston does okay.  It's different, but he's pretty flexible.  Except today.  I dropped him off and he was like a little monkey, completely clinging to my shirt, then to my pants when I put him down.  I ended up leaving him with arms outstretched to me, bawling.  I felt so bad.  I know he'll have fun, but he doesn't nap well there, so I know today is going to be tough.  I hope I don't have to pick him up mid-day, but if I do, I'll gladly get him and cuddle him the rest of the day!

So I'm tired today.  Being tired makes my days even longer than they already are, and brings up all those pooey feelings I have about resenting my job and how it interferes with my life.  I wish I could have stayed home with Preston today and not have had to drop him off in a relatively unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people when he's not himself.  It killed me to see my normally smiley little blondie just needing me so much, but I just left him.  Then there's the little voice inside my head that tells me to suck it up because I need the job and the insurance.  Urgh. 

Okay, venting done.  I can't wait til I can go get my guy and hang out at home with him tonight, and let him cuddle all he wants.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My little pin cushion :(

Preston had his 18-month appointment today, and boy did he get poked and prodded!  In terms of his development, he is right on track with his speech and and everything else, so that's awesome!  However, as always, he is way low on the growth charts.  He was 21 lbs, unfortunately down from his 15-month appointment (although that appointment was only a month-and-a-half ago, so it's not that big of an issue); his height was 2 ft 6 in, which was up, so that's good.  The doctor isn't too concerned, though, since his height and weight are proportional, albeit on the low end, and she said since he's so active his weight is bound to take a little dip.  She wants us (as always) pumping him with all the calories we can, and starting to mix his milk with PediaSure so a.)he'll drink it (he's had a milk aversion ever since he was sick back in December), and b.)to get more calories.

He also got a couple of shots, and had to have his lead level checked, which meant a blood draw.  He was NOT a happy camper by the end of that appointment!  He was so cuddly last night with me from all of the stress, poor guy.

He really is doing so well, though, at least from my point-of-view.  Over the past month or so, he has started saying so many words, and his sign language skills are crazy!  He watches the Baby Signing Time videos and will all of a sudden bust out signs I didn't even think he knew!  He also walks up to the TV and starts singing and signing "Baby" when he wants to watch.  It's too cute.  He still eats like a horse, and his ability to use a fork and spoon make me so proud as a mom.  Some other sweet and goofy things:

1.) He reaches up to hold my hand when we are in the driveway, on the sidewalk, or in a parking lot. 
2.) He thinks it's funny to fart... thank Skip for that one!
3.) He makes a "cheese" face where he scrunches everything up and then goes "boo!"
4.) He gives hugs and kisses now, without any prompting.
5.) I asked him the other day if he was ready to go to bed, and he shook his head yes, walked over to the gate, turned around, and pointed for "up."  Seriously?  What kid voluntarily goes down for naps and bed time?  Skip's kid, that's who!  Those boys LOVE to sleep!
6.) We walk through stores and even the hardest-looking people smile at him.  I am so blessed to have a kid who genuinely makes people want to smile.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wow, a whole month!

I can't believe I haven't updated in a whole month!  I suppose I just haven't felt like writing much, but I guess I should give some updates...

So let's start with my birthday weekend.  I had a bunch of people up to go watch the Cubs/Brewers game on that Friday, then worked on organizing the basement on Saturday.  My mom and dad were so helpful in working on getting things in order down there.  We've needed to get down there since we moved, because it was basically a "dumping ground" for the movers (the garage was, too... that's our next job).  I got some shelving units and we cleaned up down there, and it looks so much better.  There's also now room to move some of the crap out of the garage and down to the basement.  Saturday night we went out to an awesome dinner at a place in Bay View called Riviera Maya.  The food was SO good, and so were the drinks.  What a great birthday dinner, and great birthday weekend in general!  We had brunch down in Racine on Sunday, too.

For Easter weekend, Dwyers came up on Friday evening for a little visit.  It was funny seeing Delanee, who is only 10 months older than Preston, yet she is about a foot taller.  They played so well together, and I had such a great visit with Melissa and Chris.  We stayed around town since Skip worked Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, so Sunday we went down to Racine for Brunch with the Easter Bunny at the Yacht Club.  Preston was a little weirded out by the bunny, but we at least got a couple of pictures.  That was pretty much all we did for the weekend.

I've started playing softball on Monday nights, which has been fun.  However, I'm WAY rusty and it's been an adjustment getting my body used to playing again!  My hands have been pretty sore lately, but it's been worth it to get out and play.  I've missed it!

The last weekend of April was Phase II of the yard.  You'll remember back in October we did Phase I, so now we needed to fill the holes left by the pond, smooth everything out, and get grass planted.  Which we did.  However, I had gone out to dinner at Joey Buona's the night before, so was pretty damn hungover from the $5 unlimited wine.  I was not the most productive yard-worker, so I was glad everyone else was!  Dad and Mom and Harrisons were a huge help, and we were able to get everything done by the early afternoon.  We went to dinner over towards Mom and Dad's hotel that evening, then I completely crashed by 9 that night.  We went to a memorial service on Sunday for my friend Roger's father who had passed...

Last week was a short one, as I took off Thursday afternoon and all day Friday originally to go up to Wisconsin Dells for a nursing conference Skip planned to attend.  However, we decided last minute that we would save some money and stick around home instead for sort of a "staycation."  I'm so glad we did.  Thursday we did a brewery tour at Lakefront after I was done with work, then celebrated Cinco de Mayo at Las Palmas.  Sadly, we got the news on Friday morning that Skip's Grandma Cerow passed away early that morning.  She had been in and out of the hospital for a few weeks, so we knew it was coming, but it was still very sad.  Skip debated about going out there for the funeral, but ultimately we decided he would stay home.  We were happy, though, that we had gotten the chance to get out there in March to spend time with her while she was still alive. 

We went to lunch on Friday with Sarah Weseloh and the kiddos, then to the zoo, then came home so Preston could take a much-needed nap (after I picked up my bike from getting tuned-up.  Now I can ride it to work!).  We had a gift card to a sushi place in Waukesha, so we used that for dinner.  It was so delicious!  I'm mildly obsessed with sushi, so it was a treat.  Saturday we hung around the house until we got on the road to Illinois.  We swung through Lake Geneva to stretch our legs and get some ice cream, then took a roundabout way to Woodstock.  Pat was in town for a visit, so Nancy and Jim had everybody over for dinner and to celebrate Mother's Day.  We had such a great time visiting everyone down there, and Preston had an especially good time hanging with all the girls (he's the only boy of 7 great-grandkids on the Preston side... poor guy!).

Not surprisingly, the boys slept until 10:15 on Sunday, so I rode my bike solo to church, while they slept (I seriously wish I had it in me to sleep that late, but I just can't do it anymore).  When I got home, we hung around then went down to the Milwaukee Public Market to peruse.  While most of the stuff there, albeit fresh, is pretty expensive, the St. Paul Fish Company stall has a lobster dinner for $12.95, so we got one of those to snack on.  With some lobster, a few freshly-shucked oysters and $3 beers, we had a great afternoon! 

Preston has his 18-month dr. visit today, so I will update more on him later!

In the meantime, some pictures:

Going somewhere??

Just hanging out in the car seat.

I love broccoli!

New cheese face :)

Meeting the Easter Bunny

Not so sure... (although I wasn't either, as this is the scariest bunny costume EVER) 

Looking for eggs!

Got some!!

Mmm... eggs!

So happy to eat!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dreams 4/5

I was home (but it was Mom and Dad's house), and we were noticing that things kept changing around when we would leave the house, leading us to believe that someone was breaking in, or worse, living in our basement.  I had noticed some weird movement in the cracks of the floorboards (it was a dream-- my mom and dad don't have cracks in their floorboards!), so I asked one of the Cederlund girls who were there to go down there and walk through that area so I could see exactly where someone would be if they were moving around down there.  Haha, sacrifice the 10-year-old, I guess!  Then all of a sudden, I was at the top of the stairs with all of my Preston cousins and Shay, trying to figure things out, when we noticed a man coming through one of the basement windows.  Everyone bolted upstairs except for me and Shay, and I had something in my hand that I chucked at the guy, hitting him right in the forehead.  Then he was coming in through another window, and had a gun pointed at Shay.  I screamed, then all of a sudden he was behind me, lifting the back of my shirt up with his gun.  I thought for a second, then swung around and elbowed him right in the gut!

Then I woke up, only to realize I had (in real life) just elbowed the snot out Skip's forehead.  It was hard enough to wake him up yelling "Ow!", and you know how hard it is to wake Skip up.  I felt really bad...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Went East to visit relatives, both present and in the beyond...

Skip and I had talked about trying to get out to see his grandma and grandpa Cerow sooner rather than later (they are pushing 90 and not in the greatest health).  Well, I was talking to my mom and she said that she and my dad had a road trip in the works to go out to Buffalo and Seneca Falls to visit where my dad's family had lived, so we decided to combine the trips and go together.

Saturday the 26th, Preston and I got up and finished packing while we waited for Skip to get home from work.  He got home, showered, then we stopped first in Sturtevant to drop Scotch off at the Meshenkys.  We are extremely grateful that they offered to watch him for the week, especially considering I have been blogging and Facebooking about how evil Scotch has been lately.  We dropped him off, then went to CL to meet my parents.  We were "officially" on the road by about 12:30.  We planned to make it to Toledo that night, which we did by about 6.  Mom had brought steaks which we cooked up for dinner, then a little swim and bedtime.

On Sunday we got up and headed to Cleveland to visit the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and museum, which was a special request of Skip's.  It was actually a really cool museum, and the building itself was a work of art, right on the shore of Lake Erie.  Preston was really good throughout the museum as well-- you can tell there's music running through that boy's blood!

The museum.  Pretty cool.
Our little family.

The boys at the R&R HOF museum

We left the museum and made it to Buffalo that afternoon.  Dad had his heart set on the Buffalo Brew Pub for dinner, after having eaten there a few times in years past.  Apparently we had eaten there as a family after a couple of the funerals out there, but I don't remember that... Anyways, the meal was great, and we got to taste Yuengling beer for the first time, which was cool (not to mention the home-brewed beers of the pub itself).  The Buffalo wings were pretty darn awesome, and the Beef on Weck was waaay salty, but good beef.  Preston had ketchup for dinner...

Monday we had a leisurely morning, then got on the road for a few stops in Buffalo.  We visited my dad's great aunt and uncle's home where he used to spend time as a kid, then drove past the convent that his other great aunt used to live at.  We have some affectionate funny stories from that convent.  What is it with our family and knowing so many nuns?!  We also went to visit the cemetery where all those old relatives are buried, which was sufficiently morbid, but neat to see where they all are.  Anyways, we had lunch at Jacobi's, a really good little Italian place we had eaten at for the various visits in the past, and it was really good.  Great pizza, ravioli, and wings of course.  We got back on the road, and stopped through Seneca Falls to see my great grandparents' old house.  My dad said it hadn't changed in the almost 30 years since he last saw it.  Pretty cool.
Preston looking for headstones

Sister Mary Thomas, my dad's aunt (she was one of my favorites when I was little)

Skip: "Are we done at the cemetery yet?"
We got to Syracuse that evening, and all needed a little detox from the Buffalonian food we had been eating, so we found a Chinese-Japanese buffet restaurant in town.  Sounds gross, but it was $9.99 for all you can eat Chinese and sushi-- can't complain about that! Oh, and $.99 beers, so that was pretty perfect. 

Tuesday was "Visit the Cerows" Day, so Skip, Preston and I drove up to Watertown while my mom and dad stayed back at the hotel.  We had a wonderful visit with Grandma Alice and Grandpa Bob, along with Skip's uncle John and aunt Ellie.  They are really all the sweetest people, albeit very quiet and conservative.  It was nice to have Preston to keep the mood light!  After a couple of hours, though, Preston started to run a fever (we had seen this coming with a cough for the past day...), so we needed to head out.  It was sad to leave the family, because we really aren't sure if we will get out there again to visit Grandma and Grandpa, but I know they loved the visit.  And I was glad that they got to meet Preston (and me!).  It really was special.  Not going to lie that it made me miss my grandparents who Preston never got to meet... :(

John, Ellie, Skip, Grandpa, Grandma, and a very tired little boy

John, Ellie, Grandma and Preston

Preston and his Great Grandpa (he was ready for a nap...and some tylenol)

Preston with his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa

Preston with John and Ellie
 We got back down to Syracuse in time to relax a little while before dinner, then met Skip's uncle Ron, aunt Beth and cousin Adam out for (again) Japanese.  We had such a great time out with them, they are wonderful folks (I have kept in touch with them a little more over the years since we have met them a few times).  However, as we were ending our meal, I was horsing around with Preston when all of a sudden he started throwing up... literally all over the place (i.e. my leg, Mom's shoes, the floor...).  He was totally fine before and after, but we think it was his way of getting all of the congestion up from his coughing.  Poor baby.  We got him all cleaned up, and still managed to close the place down-- we stayed 'til almost 10pm.  It was very fun, and wonderful to get a chance to catch up with the family.

Preston with Ron, Beth and Adam

Goofing with Ron

The whole group

Wednesday was just a driving day, broken up by another little baby-puking stint in Cleveland... poor guy.  This time was all over his car seat, though, so thank God we were staying at hotels that had laundry facilities!  (All Residence Inns... my mom got a bajillion Marriott points this week!).  We got Armenian food for takeout, and it was really good, since we were pretty much rich-fooded out.

We got back to Crystal Lake on Thursday, then packed our car to go get Scotch.  Meshenkys said he was really great all week, and that he was a test for them to see if the kids could handle a dog.  Hey, I say if anyone can pass having Scotch for a week, they can handle anything!  We got back up to MKE by about 5:30, and just vegged.  It really was a great road trip and I'm glad we got to visit with the family (both alive and dead...).  I hope we get a chance in the relatively near future to get out there again!