Thursday, November 10, 2011

20 weeks - half way there!

Okay, so I'm not very good at this "post on blog every day" thing, but oh well.  I'm 20 weeks today!  Half way there, or, not quite half way there if this little one decides to come almost a week late like his/her brother did... :)  I had a weird lightheaded spell just a few minutes ago, though, so that was a little disconcerting.  "Head issues" are really the only thing that I've had to deal with this pregnancy.  I started taking loratadine (Claritin) a few times a week to help with headaches, since my doctor thought they were most likely sinus in nature.  It's helped quite a bit, but I think my blood pressure has been acting up (or should I say low) lately, too.  It always runs on the low side (I'm regularly in the 106/60 range), but at the onset of the pregnancy Skip took it at one point and it was like 90/50... pretty low.  So I just have to stand up slowly and let my body readjust so that I don't get lightheaded.  I suppose if this is the worst symptom I have, I can handle it!  I almost forgot to say that I have my big ultrasound tomorrow, so that should give us a nice update of how things are going with little Bean!

I'm looking forward to this weekend, for two reasons.  First off, my drywall is being put in!! Yay!! Skip's good friend Bryan and his wife Tamara will be doing the job for us, as they do construction work on the side.  As soon as the drywall is done, we can paint, put the floors in, then LIVE up there.  I'm SO EXCITED!

Secondly, all of the Hart/Preston ladies (well, most of us) are getting together this weekend up here in MKE to celebrate my aunt Nancy's 50th birthday!  My grandma's maiden name is Hart, and there will be 12 of us celebrating: Grandma, my mom, my aunts Nancy, Pat and Emily, my mom's cousin Marie, one of her daughters, Megan (we'll miss her other daughter Caroline), my cousins Amy, Allison and Cate, and me and Sarison.  We plan on visiting the Domes, the Milwaukee Public Market, dinner at Joey Buona's and who knows what else!  It should be a GREAT time!

Stay tuned for another post with updates from the weekend!

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