Calm the crazy! I swear Preston is a total nut job sometimes! Tonight, he decided he wanted nothing to do with dinner, but would rather whine for literally 30 seconds at a time... straight. The kid can hold a note longer that an opera singer! So, we decided to go for a ride in the car to get the crazies out. It sort of worked... until when we got back he started climbing up on the backs of the couches. Scotch is a bad example... Then Preston thought it would be funny to wear Scotch's choke collar as a hat, until I heard him around the corner going "uh oh." Apparently the "hat" fits over his head, which I did not think it did. Oops, Mommy fail. So we fixed that, and he proceeded to whack the hell out of Scotch's face with the now-weapon he had. That warranted a little staredown until he said sorry to Scotch, which he eventually did. I'm so proud of my dog these days, he's so patient. Every once in a while, though, they will be horsing around and he (Scotch) will get Preston's arm in his mouth (soft mouth), and look up at us with this "just a little taste?" look. Stinker...
Then, wham, he decided he'd go to bed. 5 minutes later there was silence in the house. Boy am I lucky to have a little one who sleeps so well!
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