Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Yep, total fail on the "post every day" thing... oh well.

So, I got to meet Owen August Ziemer yesterday!!  We are all SO happy for Sarah and Andy to have welcomed this tiny guy into their lives.  It turns out that Sarah had a little more than she bargained for when it came to delivering him, but all seems to be going well, and boy is he a cutie!  What a wonderful thing to be thankful for, coming right before Thanksgiving!

In other news, we had a nice weekend this past one, including driving down to Chicago to surprise my dad for dinner at the Parthenon.  We had all missed his birthday (the 11th) last weekend when we were up here celebrating Nancy, so my mom and he were downtown celebrating together.  We ran into some snaggle-traffic on our way down, but got there in time to have a great meal with the family (including Nancy, Jim and Mark). 

On Sunday, we took it easy in the morning, then went for a long walk around the VA grounds.  I tell ya, pushing a stroller with 24 lbs of Preston and a couple extra pounds on my own self is becoming a good workout!  After lunch, I headed down to the South Milwaukee H.S. Performing Arts Center where we were having our Knightwind Ensemble fall concert.  I think the concert went really well, and was a good "note" to end on for a while (I won't be playing in the spring since I'm due like the day of the concert).  Skip, Preston and I went to Guanajuato for a quick dinner afterwards, then home.

Bryan and Tamara have been making great progress on the drywall upstairs, and they are almost finished.  It's looking good so far, and I look forward to being able to paint then finish the floors and get up there!

As for Thanksgiving, we will be having our annual Tom & Jerry's at the Racine Yacht Club in the morning, then hanging with Mannings for the rest of the day.  After dinner, Skip's going to come home and sleep a little, then he works Thursday and Friday nights.  Preston and I will be going down to CL for a couple of days, mostly to celebrate Megan's 2nd birthday on Friday (her actual birthday was this past Sunday).  Should be fun times!

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