Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pregnancy Survey

I found this on BabyCenter, but I thought it would give a good perspective on my pregnancy up to this point in time:

Age? 27
Pre-Pregnancy weight? 17 pounds less than right now ;)
Current weight? 17 pounds more than where I started ;)
Is this your first pregnancy? Yes
How far along are you? 33 weeks +2
Do you like being pregnant? For the most part, yes. Especially when Squirrel moves :)
Have you had any morning sickness? A little nausea, but that's it.
Any mood swings? Mood swings? God no... ha...
Do you feel you have a stronger sense of smell? Eew, YES.
Have any swelling? A little in my calves and feet off and on.
Have you had any aches or pains yet? Yes, my hips and... um... let's just say some "spreading" is starting...
Favorite maternity outfit? Anything stretchy!
Have you bought anything for baby yet? Tonight we're getting our crib!
Are you excited? Of course!

Due date? 10/19/2009
When did you find out you were pregnant? February
Who was with you? Scotch, and my last beer :(
Were you trying to get pregnant? Yep.
Do you have a guess when and where your baby was conceived? I can pinpoint it to one or two days back there...
How far along were you when you found out? About 4 weeks.
What kind of pregnancy test did you take? First Response, then one Skip yoinked from Sinai.
How many tests did you take? See above.
What was your first reaction? Not convinced... (the line was SO faint)
What was your partner's first reaction? "We're going to have a baby?!"
Who did you tell first? Skip, Melissa, Sarison
What were your parent's reaction? Ecstatic!
Would you ever consider having an abortion? No.
Who is you doctor? Vanessa Barnabei at Froedtert/MCW.
Have you heard the baby's heartbeat? Every visit.
Have you had any ultrasounds? Just one at ~20 weeks.
Will you have any 3D/4D ultrasounds? Nope, not unless there's a medical need for one.
Have you had any complications with this pregnancy? No, thank God, and knock on wood.
Are you high risk? No.
Girl, boy, or surprise? Surprise!
Have you picked out any names yet? Boy: Preston Charles. Girl: Claire Rosemarie
What is something you eat almost everyday? Fruit!
Do you have any pregnant friends? Sarison, for a while my other friend/neighbor Sarah was, Andy Harrison's sis, my sister-in-law-- TONS!
Have you felt any movement yet? All the time!
Has your partner felt any movement yet? All the time!
Do you or your partner talk to baby? Yes, and Skip plays guitar for him/her, too :)
When did you really start to show? Mmm, maybe about 2 months ago.
Have any stretch marks? Knock on wood, NO.
How well have you been sleeping? Between peeing trips, okay for now. Getting less and less as the days go on.
Any strange dreams? Almost every night. See other posts!
Have you had any Braxton Hicks contractions yet? Maybe a few each week for the past couple.

Any baby shower plans? One last weekend, another on the 19th of September.
Have you registered any where? Target and Babies-R-Us.
What was the first thing bought for baby? A onesie from Dwyers :) Still hanging on the back of the bathroom door, ready to go :)
Are you going to take any birthing classes? Just finished them up last night.
Are you reading any pregnancy, baby, childcare books? The Vaccine Book, and a few others.
Has anyone said anything unusual to you since you've been pregnant? Luckily, not really.
What is the best part about being pregnant? Knowing what the end result is!
What is the worst part? Body changes, realizing I can't do a lot of things I could do before.
What are you most nervous about?Being a good parent.

Birth Plans:
At home or at a hospital? Hospital
Vaginal or C-section? Vaginal if all goes well...
Natural or medicated? Hopefully natural...
Will you be induced?Not unless it becomes medically necessary.
Who will be in the delivery room with you? Skip, Mom and Sarison
What couple of things will you be sure to have with you? Not sure, but at least the little "Scotch" Skip got for me :)
What do you think will annoy you during labor? Possibility of nurses/docs pushing meds on me.
Are you going to take pictures? Me? Hell no. Maybe Mom or Sarah will.
Will dad cut the cord? Yes.
Are you scared? A little bit.
What are you most scared about? Tearing, bleeding out like Sarah...

When the baby is here:
What is the baby's coming home outfit? Haven't gotten it yet!
Will you come home as soon as you can? As soon as I'm ready and they let me.
What is the best thing about coming home? Starting our new family at home!
What is the nursery's theme? Eh, browns, greens and reds (like the Kandinsky painting called Farbstudie Quadrate, the one with all the circles)-- if the store still has what we want!
Will you breastfeed or formula feed? Hope to breast feed, if all goes well!
Will you co-sleep? Not anything besides maybe short naps. It's not safe.

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