I just took a little trip to the bathroom, as I frequently do these days for obvious reasons. Anyways, I went to the one at the bottom of the stairs to my office, where there are two regular stalls, and one handicapped (on a side note, it's always an experience when I have to use the handicapped one in this particular bathroom. The toilet is really tall and it takes me back to my little-kid days when I would have to practically hop onto the toilet, then my leggies would just dangle. I digress...). I went into the first regular one, and there was a lady in the handicapped one (i.e. a stall between us). I went, and the whole time this other woman is doing what sounds like rolling a stuck roll over and over again to get some paper off-- seriously from the time I got in, went, washed my hands, checked my coif in the mirror, headed to the door... Either that, or she's getting all the paper she needs, and she needed a LOT... I was going to offer to see if she wanted me to hand her some paper, but what am I supposed to say? "Um, excuse me, ma'am? Can I get you some toilet paper, so you don't have to keep abusing the roll in there?" or "Excuse me, ma'am? I can't help but hear you struggling with the toilet paper roll, can I get you some?" I mean, what if she really was not having problems, and all I did was interrupt her business? Who knows, maybe she was out of toilet paper at home and was stocking up. Either way, I hope she got her paper and isn't still sitting on the toity with her little feet just dangling...
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