I remember when I first started water aerobics about 5 months ago that I thought all the women who were far along seemed lazy, and I swore I would still be working really hard when I was that far along. Ha, now that I'm at that point, I'm totally eating my words! It's been a chore to even get into a damn bathing suit! However, it's good that I'm still going and keeping myself busy. Otherwise I know I would be sitting (or putzing) at home just anxious out of my mind... Oh, and there was a guy that got out of the pool last night that looked like Ron Jeremy and had American flag swim trunks on. NO ONE else in my class seemed to notice the hairy back climbing the stairs and the stars and stripes strategically bulging and creeping into nasty places. That's one flag I don't think I could salute...
I stopped at the grocery store after class to pick up a few things, and when I was walking out I got thinking. The air was really "fally" and it was really calm, and I kind of took a few deep breaths. I, by absolutely no means, resent this baby coming and I am so excited to finally meet him or her. However, if you know me, I am a pretty independent person, and I can't lie that I'm nervous about losing some of that independence. Will I be able to just drop everything at the flip of a switch and run out to the store, go for a walk, go rollerblading by the lake anymore? Probably not. And it makes me a little nervous/sad. I've never been one to handle big changes with ease, and this is probably the biggest change of my life to this point. It's hard to imagine being one of only two people in the entire world that this little being is going to be totally dependent on. Will I be up for the task? I think so? People keep telling me that this baby will adapt to the lifestyle that we have, so I hope this little one is ready to take road trips, go to the dog park, listen to loud music of every type, watch the weird TV shows that his/her daddy watches, talk politics, play sports, do scouts... I know we'll adapt to our little one, too-- it's just hard because there's only so much we can do to prepare.
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