Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ah, the temper comes out...

I think my dear little son has inherited the Eckel temper... God help us all!  Actually, it's not that bad, but he has been showing his frustrated side a little more these days.  When he gets really mad, he swats-- usually at my face, which really hurts sometimes.  I've done okay in redirecting him to "be gentle to Mommy," and sometimes I'll think he's going in for the swat when he'll instead sweetly stroke my face.  Okay, I LOVE that.

Other times, he is a back-archer.  That usually comes out when I'm trying to put him in his car seat, but only in the house.  So, I'll usually these days just put him in his seat IN the car, which he gets excited about.  [Yes, my teenie weenie still is in his "bucket" infant seat (at least in my car-- we've got a regular car seat for the Jeep)-- but both still rear-facing.  I think he's over 20 lbs now, but the infant seat is only rear-facing, and the new seat can't go forward-facing until 22 lbs.  So he's relegated to staring out the back winshield for another couple weeks.]

Another fun little development has been the biting.  Usually that's just to get my attention.  Sometimes when we're sitting on the couch, he'll come up to me or Skip and go to bite us on the knee or toe, which is fun. Not.  Last night, I was wearing a really thick sweatshirt and he got my arm.  It doesn't really hurt, but it sure is a way to get attention...

None of these little quirks are common, though, so he really still mostly is my sweet little goof.  His more endearing new developments are that he can now climb the stairs, say "pickle," eat with a fork, and climb the TV stand.  I officially have a toddler!

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