Skip and I had talked about getting a dog as soon as we started living in our house on 64th Street (we never would have been able to swing it in the shoe-box apartment). So we started watching Craigslist and the Humane Society until we found a puppy that would suit us. Skip emailed a picture one day to me of an adorable little puppy from an ad on Craigslist, with the tagline "6-week old Vizsla," so I started doing some research. I come to find out that Vizlsas are very energetic, demonstrably loving, clean, somewhat neurotic dogs. Sounded good to me! However, I also found that they have been really responsibly bred in the U.S., so I was a little concerned as to why some guy had only 1 puppy, and why he was looking to get rid of it at 6-weeks old. So Skip inquired. It turns out that this guy on the south side of Milwaukee had a 6-year-old male Vizsla who sired a litter of puppies. The guy kept one of the puppies (a female), and... well, before he could get her spayed, she got "knocked up" by Daddy. So, the guy knew that the puppies would be one-generation inbred (not necessarily a bad thing in doggie breeding), but that most people wouldn't want a show-Vizlsa that they would register with that breeding, so he didn't broadcast the story on Craigslist. There was a whole litter of puppies, and all he wanted was to find loving homes for all of them. Oh, and he wasn't going to let them go until 8-weeks. So we went down there to check the litter out.
Oh. My. God. The puppies were seriously the cutest things I'd ever seen, having been born on 7/7/07. Vizsla puppies are totally wrinkly and squishy, so we basically fell in love right away. We knew we didn't want the biggest one of the litter (Scotch's dad was over 70 lbs, which is giant for a Vizsla, and makes for a very tall, crazy dog). We were playing with one particular puppy, and I just knew, watching Skip with him, that he was our dog. He was called "Padfoot" by the guy's kids, since he had white on all of his toes. Padfoot was ours! We left that day and went to dinner to celebrate.
The next day, I was sitting at work making a "Lost Puppy" sign, when Skip called me and said he thought someone had found him. He gave me an address, and I ran out of work and went there. In the front yard of this lovely house was an older couple and Scotch was on the guy's lap!! I was beside myself. Apparently the lady had been out for her morning walk in the woods and here comes this little puppy bounding down the path. She thought it was so weird that no one was with him, so she called Animal Control and got our information from there. They were the sweetest people-- I sent them a plant the next day. We were SO happy to have Scotch back, and from that point on, he has been beyond spoiled. :)
Scotch has been wonderful with Preston, even though he's so big and crazy. He loves Preston and it's been
This "war" that he and I have been having has coincided with the odd schedule that we hold, which means we don't get him out as much as he desperately needs it. We try, but it's just not possible. When the summer comes around and we get out yard fixed, we will have tons of opportunities to get him out and calm some of the craziness.
(And, because formatting on this stupid blog is being difficult, here are more pictures just in random order:)
Yes, yes we are. =) -kjgray