Friday, November 5, 2010

Not feeling very blog-ish lately.

I haven't really felt up to posting too much here, just not up for it.  So, here's a basic update of what's been going on lately:

* Preston's 1st birthday party was Saturday the 30th.  It was a good time!  He was a total champ with all the people, and it was wonderful that everyone who was there was able to make it.  I know he won't remember, but it meant a lot to me and Skip to have all those folks there to celebrate our little guy!

* Skip's been working like a madman.  He really enjoys his job, and the new hours are actually working a lot better for us since we talk in the morning before I go to work and he goes to sleep (as opposed to at 4 am when I was asleep-ish).  The only thing is that he really is still low man on the totem pole, so his schedule is a little insane.  Just wait for the holidays... or rather, the workidays. :(

* I was really angry at the results of the election on Tuesday.  I don't think I was even this angry in 2000 when Bush won the first time.  I had begun to accept that Scott Walker was going to win the governor race, which isn't the end of the world (not ideal, but it really could be worse).  There are some deep-seeded issues against Doyle in Wisconsin that I hadn't been much exposed to since I haven't lived here that long, and I know that Barrett was a tough sell for some people.  However, I just don't understand how a crazyman like Ron Johnson won in the senate.  I understand people were tired of Feingold (which is sad, because he's a successful, BIPARTISAN policymaker), but Johnson?  Seriously?  It makes me feel like I am in a terribly uneducated state, and that people have no idea about the issues.  I don't want to go into it more here, but geez.  It's going to be sadly interesting to see how Johnson does over the next 6 years.  Ugh.

That's about all I have to say for now.  Maybe I'll be more verbose another day!

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