I need to get these things written down, lest I forget them. Preston says some incredible, hilarious, insightful things these days:
When leaving our visit with Sister Marge at the School Sisters of Notre Dame (a.k.a. the Mother Ship): "That was such a nice day. There were 90 Sister Marges!"
Also during that visit, after chasing him down when he nearly followed Sr. Marge to the bathroom, to Marge: "You done going potty?" In front of all the other nuns...
When eating various things for dinner: "This is the beeeessst chicken/pasta/meat ever!"
When I leave or drop him off at places: "Mommy, you'll come back for me?"
And subsequently, when I pick him up or come home: "Mommy! You came back!"
When Rose cries: "Awe... it's okay baby girl. It's okay..."
Also when Rose cries: "STOP. CRYING.!!"
"Oh. Hi Scotch." in the most suprised little voice.
When Rose falls over: "IIII gotcha, I gotcha!"
"Ooo... I tooted. Heehee."
"I'm so strusstrated." (i.e. frustrated)
He also puts the wrong emPHAsis on the wrong sylLAbles sometimes, which is hilarious. He says "yesterDAY" and "TEE vee" as examples.
Preston, what's your name? "Preston Charles Manning."
What's Daddy's name? "Skip Charles Edward Manning THE FORF!"
What's Mommy's name? "Ellen Doyle Manning."
What's Rose's name? "Rose Mommy Ellen Doyle."
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