Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Here we go again...

So, two and a half years ago, I was dealing with a baby whose growth was way lower than average, and we were worried something was wrong.  Welp, it's happening again.  And this time, it's a little more worrisome.  Resources say that breastfed babies should just about double their weight by the time they are 3-4 months old, and that they should gain about 4-5 ounces per week.  That would mean that since Rose came home from the hospital a little under 7 pounds, that she should have gained at least 3 or 4 pounds by now.  Or not.  At her 8 week appointment today, she weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces :(.  The doctor didn't beat around the bush this time, and full out said she was concerned.  However, she's close to 22 inches long, and her head is in the 25% for her age, so the doctor said if something systemic was wrong with her growth, that it would affect ALL of her growth, not just her weight.  Also, everything else with her is perfectly on track (babbling, cooing, eye contact/tracking, head control), so the doctor is still optimistic. 

I, however, was upset in the appointment (first time I ever cried in a doctor's office...), because it's my milk that's not making her gain weight.  And it's surprising because Rose is a serious champ with nursing.  We all joked with Preston that I produced skim milk... apparently with Rose it's super skim.  The doctor wants us to give Rose an ounce of formula at each feeding, after she's done nursing, so that she gets some guaranteed calories into her system.  Also, she had blood drawn at her appointment to run tests to rule out anything else that might be going on.  I have to tell you, it was a rough couple of hours!  I had Preston in his stroller so he was contained while I handled Rose... Well, he can stand up while buckled into the umbrella stroller, so he would stand and drag the thing behind him trying to move around (in any other setting, it would've been comical).  Then, he dropped a little toy car that he had with him, and the phlebotomist almost tripped over it.  Then, Rose (of course) was screaming hysterically as her blood was being drawn, and Preston was "sympathy crying" and holding his ears.  I couldn't manage Preston because I was holding Rose and trying to keep her from squirming.  It was pretty traumatic for all of us.

I count my blessings that being tiny is the only "issue" my children have (so far...), but it still is tough when there isn't much that I can do about it, all the while having people ask me "do they get enough to eat?" "were they preemies?" "oh, you should just do formula."  I'm just crossing my fingers that there really isn't something more going on with my little girl.

In other news, I'm back at work part-time through June.  It sort of sucks, but at the same time I was ready to get out of the house and into a better routine.  Me and the kids were kind of playing each day by ear, and not really on a schedule, and I've realized we're not at our bests when that is the case.  Preston and I get crabby at each other (he's just as stubborn as I am.  I swear it's like looking into a mirror when I see those eyebrows go all furrowed...).  I love my children to death, but I give serious props to full-time stay-at-home parents, as I have found out I'm not good at it.  Part-time sure.  Which is why I think June is going to work out really well - a good balance for all of us.

Now I'm off to get angry at the news, while I watch Wisconsin fail.  Again.

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