Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why I do not support the current budget being proposed and voted on in Madison right now:


1.) "Under current law, qualified aliens receive food stamp benefits. Federal law allows, but does not require, a state to provide those benefits, and any state that does provide such benefits must pay the whole cost itself. This bill eliminates the provision of food stamp benefits to qualified aliens in this state."
2.) "This bill eliminates the requirement that a municipality or county operate a recycling or other program to manage solid waste in compliance with the disposal restrictions, eliminates the financial assistance program for local governmental recycling programs, and prohibits an individual from placing materials such as aluminum containers with materials to be disposed of in a landfill or incinerator."
3.) "This bill eliminates the family income requirement for a pupil who wishes to attend an MPCP school beginning in the 2011−12 school year if the pupil did not attend an MPCP school in the 2010−11 school year."
4.) "With limited exceptions, the bill eliminates all current economic development grant and loan programs administered by Commerce, including grants to Wisconsin Business Development Finance Corporation for a capital access program; grants and loans to a business or researcher for projects generally related to renewable energy; loans to manufacturing businesses for projects generally related to energy efficiency and renewable energy; grants and loans to businesses for diversifying a local economy; grants and loans for improving the profitability of businesses negatively impacted by a casino; grants to the city of Milwaukee to fund remediation and redevelopment projects in the Menomonee Valley; grants to the Center for Advanced
Technology and Innovation; grants to businesses for employee skills training or other education; grants to businesses for expenses in hiring students as paid interns; and grants and loans to businesses, municipalities, and other entities for encouraging minority businesses and businesses in economically distressed areas, and for strengthening urban and rural communities."

5.) "Under current law, DHS reimburses certain hospitals for hospital care provided under MA to MA recipients and makes supplemental payments to certain hospitals. This bill eliminates the supplemental payments from the MA program to essential access city hospitals."

6.) "Under current law, DHS provides funding for family planning services, including maintaining a state plan for community−based family planning programs and specific annual grants. This bill eliminates this family planning services funding."
7.) "Current law requires health insurance policies and self−insured governmental and school district health plans to cover the cost of contraceptives prescribed by a health care provider and of outpatient consultations, examinations, procedures, and medical services that are necessary to prescribe, administer, maintain, or remove a contraceptive. This bill eliminates these requirements."
Frankly, I got sick of reading the rest.  I'm already sick enough today.

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