Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dreams 4/5

I was home (but it was Mom and Dad's house), and we were noticing that things kept changing around when we would leave the house, leading us to believe that someone was breaking in, or worse, living in our basement.  I had noticed some weird movement in the cracks of the floorboards (it was a dream-- my mom and dad don't have cracks in their floorboards!), so I asked one of the Cederlund girls who were there to go down there and walk through that area so I could see exactly where someone would be if they were moving around down there.  Haha, sacrifice the 10-year-old, I guess!  Then all of a sudden, I was at the top of the stairs with all of my Preston cousins and Shay, trying to figure things out, when we noticed a man coming through one of the basement windows.  Everyone bolted upstairs except for me and Shay, and I had something in my hand that I chucked at the guy, hitting him right in the forehead.  Then he was coming in through another window, and had a gun pointed at Shay.  I screamed, then all of a sudden he was behind me, lifting the back of my shirt up with his gun.  I thought for a second, then swung around and elbowed him right in the gut!

Then I woke up, only to realize I had (in real life) just elbowed the snot out Skip's forehead.  It was hard enough to wake him up yelling "Ow!", and you know how hard it is to wake Skip up.  I felt really bad...

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