Woof. What a weekend! But what a WONDERFUL weekend!
Friday I attempted to work throughout the day, but let's just say that did not happen. I was so excited I totally couldn't stay focused! I left work by 3:30, then busted my butt home to get going to the rehearsal. Dad had dropped Sarah (H) off at the house to ride down with us, since Andy (H) wasn't off work until later. It turned out that the grill for the dinner wasn't working, so Andy (Z) rented an Enterprise truck to bring his big grill down. Skip ended up just riding down with Andy (Z), so that he could get set up at the lake for dinner.
Sarah (H) and I headed down to Villa Terrace, where we met the rest of the wedding party to rehearse. Pastor Ziemer did such a nice job welcoming everyone, and saying that this was really the start to the whole celebration. It really got all of us excited, I think! After the rehearsal Sarah (H) and I went on a bit of a wild-goose chase to find some ice, which we eventually did. We met everyone down at McKinley Marina to have dinner and visit. The dinner was great, and Skip was happy since his grilling, hummus and specially-brewed beers went over quite well. We may have to market the Ball & Chain Pale Ale, Now It's Time to Dance, and Awesome Alimony Ale... We left dinner with a very tired little baby, so it was definitely time to be home. I put Preston down in his crib, expecting him to wake up so I could change his clothes. Nope. He slept the whole night in his overalls and even his shoes (I totally forgot to take them off!).

I could've slept in a little on Saturday morning, but that didn't happen-- I was too excited! I got up and got Preston's stuff ready, then showered and got myself ready. Skip and Preston dropped me off at the Iron Horse to meet the girls to go to the salon. Our salon visit was a great start to the morning, with a few mimosas, bagels, great hairdos and makeup jobs. We got back to the hotel, visited for a little while, then got ready. (Skip had dropped Preston off out in Waukesha so that Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jim and Cate and Becky could watch him and Megan and Elizabeth for the night). Our little "bowling shoe" bus came to pick us up and bring us to Villa Terrace. I felt oddly emotional the whole morning, and I think it was because I've known Sarah since we were both little girls, and she has always been the type to dream about her wedding day-- and here it was. And on top of that, everything was going perfectly and Sarah was so happy. It really was a little emotional!

We helped Sarah get ready at Villa Terrace while the photography started and everything was getting set up downstairs. It was great that the wedding was able to be held outside as planned. The wedding really went off beautifully. The overlook where the ceremony was held has a gorgeous view of the lake and gardens below, and with the monarchs and sailboats, it really was extremely picturesque. My sister did a great job singing, and everyone kept their cool (in terms of tears...). None of us bridesmaids even tripped or fell with our super-tall heels on. We stuck around for some pictures, then boarded the bowling shoe for the fun.
Aside from a quick stop in the 3rd Ward, the wedding party pretty much hung on the bus, drinking plenty of beer and champagne, while Sarah and Andy got their pictures taken. We arrived to Lakefront in plenty of time to get the party started. Dinner was great, drinks were great, and the speeches were great-- especially Al's, which assured there was not a dry eye in the place. I mean, "Sarah's tear ducts are directly connected to her heart" ?? Really? Who's not going to cry at that?! After all was said, dancing and more pictures rounded out the night (and I hear there was a little river-dunking in there, too, as well as my sis spewing technicolor out their car window on the way home... oops!). Skip and I got a cab home, I took all the bobby pins out of my hair, then totally passed out... on the livingroom floor, before making it into bed...
Aside from a quick stop in the 3rd Ward, the wedding party pretty much hung on the bus, drinking plenty of beer and champagne, while Sarah and Andy got their pictures taken. We arrived to Lakefront in plenty of time to get the party started. Dinner was great, drinks were great, and the speeches were great-- especially Al's, which assured there was not a dry eye in the place. I mean, "Sarah's tear ducts are directly connected to her heart" ?? Really? Who's not going to cry at that?! After all was said, dancing and more pictures rounded out the night (and I hear there was a little river-dunking in there, too, as well as my sis spewing technicolor out their car window on the way home... oops!). Skip and I got a cab home, I took all the bobby pins out of my hair, then totally passed out... on the livingroom floor, before making it into bed...
Sunday morning I got up and headed out to the Courtyard to retrieve my child. Nance, Jim, Cate and Becky did a wonderful job watching my little guy, and it sounds like they all had some fun. I had lunch with my mom and dad and Preston, then got Mollie out of the house for Harrison's open house. I had meant to take the dogs to the dog park, but by the time I got home and Preston fell asleep for his nap, it was my naptime, too. Preston slept from 3 until well after 5, when I decided it was time for him to wake up and to get Mollie back to Waukesha. After we got home, Skip was done with work and band practice, so we had dinner then watched a movie. The newlyweds stopped by to check some stuff out on our computer, then the night was done.
What a great, yet exhausting weekend, but one that I will remember for a long time! Congrats, good friends!
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