It's snowing a lot today. And it's going to keep snowing, so when I got to work I logically decided to park in the parking structure so I don't have to clean my car of snow at 4:30. So I start to pull into a spot, but I realized it was right under the "seam" of the floor above me, and there was a constant stream of water coming down onto my car-- I didn't want it to turn into ice later on. So I backed out and pulled into the next spot over. So then this big-ass fancy Cadillac pulls past me, and then notices the open spot (keep in mind it's only 7:30, so there are 5 HUNDRED other spots open, and not much farther away). In the meantime, I'm there with my drivers' side door open, bending over into the car digging out my work bag, my pump bag, my coffee, and trying to get the button on my jacket that I missed. I look over at the Caddy, and ON GO THE REVERSE LIGHTS. I'm like, seriously?! Of all the open spots, you have to pick this one, AND BACK your big ass into it? Come on now. As she's waiting, there were like 10 cars piling up behind her. I look over my bent-over ass at her, and mouthed "seriously?!" then proceeded to take my sweet-ass time getting the shit out of my car. So THERE. Judging by the car (and the arrogance), she's probably some big college exec, but she annoyingly inconvenienced my measly compliance-coordinating life for 5 minutes, so I figured I'd inconvenience hers for 30 seconds :). Ha.
Oh, and I forgot to put deodorant on today... Don't smell me.
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