So, apparently BabyCenter knows something I don't, because it says in my status that I have a "newborn." Um, I could have sworn this baby was still in me as of today, made quite obvious by the foot that I'm looking down at kicking my belly button... from INSIDE. I suppose I will now be getting updates on information regarding my little newborn, even though I have yet to birth this child! Well, I guess the info will be useful, just maybe not for a couple of days yet.
This was a tough weekend for me. Long about Wednesday night I started to get a sore throat and a little cough, which turned into a full-blown nasty cold on Thursday. I went for a walk around campus with my boss, which was a bad idea, because I think I jacked something up in my back from the heels I was wearing. So, I left early from work because I was totally dragging ass, and went home and slept for a couple of hours. I ate some dinner, then basically went back to bed. Friday sucked, too. I had my 39-40 week doctor's appointment in the morning, and I'm 1 cm dilated, but that's about it. So essentially nothing big going on. But like I said, that's okay. It's just that I wished I wasn't as sick as I was, or that my back didn't seize up every time I moved. It seriously took me 5 mins to walk to the bathroom (normally 30 seconds), just because I had to hold onto the wall-- I almost burst into tears. I left at my lunch hour to go see my friendly neighborhood chiropractor (i.e. Andy), and he seriously is a miracle-worker. I had been in so much pain, and after he did some pressure work and ultrasound, I was essentially fixed. Thank the Lord. As for my cold, I went back to work and crabbily made it through the rest of the day (sort of snapping at my boss in the meantime...oops), then went home and crashed. I had a temp of 100 at one point, so I was watching myself pretty closely so that I didn't bake the poor baby...
Saturday and Sunday were pretty much sit-on-my-ass days, which was okay. My cough was terrible and really making me sore. I think the only thing I did out of the house was go grocery shopping, and even that kicked my ass (I called the hospital on Saturday evening just to make sure they didn't want me to come in, and they said to just keep monitoring myself, and if things got above 100.4, then come in). However, I was able to do a little cleaning and putzing by Sunday evening, so I feel a little productive. This morning I'm feeling a ton better, though still trying to get all this crap out. I just want to make sure I have all the strength I can muster to push this little one out when the time comes! I think after how I'm feeling today that I can see being fine... whenever the heck this kid decides to make his/her entrance! We're ready for you when you are ready to come out! :)
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