Dream: Skip and I were hanging around in the house when it came clear to us that apparently Skip had somehow scorned Tim Roth/Thade from Planet of the Apes (yes, Planet of the Apes, very odd...). So Roth had like permanently turned into Thade, and he was really really scary, scouring the neighborhood looking for Skip. I saw him walking down the street so I
frantically went around closing all the windows/blinds and doors of the house, and told Skip to stay away from the windows. We could tell that Thade had an idea that this was our house and that Skip was inside, because he kept trying to look into all the windows and "sniff out" Skip. At one point we heard the lawnmower going like he had picked it up and was trying to ram it blade-side into our back door. It was actually really scary. It turns out they wanted Skip to be in the next movie, like he had a debt to fulfill or something. He didn't want to. So later that night I go into the living room, and I see our big front window busted in and the blinds are destroyed. I was upset because I didn't want our landlords to get mad at us for the broken window, when I noticed all of these cats lying around the living room floor. Thade had put them there as a threat to us that he knew where we lived (Skip is allergic to cats). Thade was at our back door again, banging like hell to get Skip to come out. I started think "Skip, maybe you should be in the movie," so I asked him how much money they were offering him. Then I remember waking up from the dream and being very glad that my house was still in tact! It was actually kind of a scary dream-- if you've seen the Thade character, he's not the nicest guy...

Then I dreamt that I was back at my parents' house, going room to room and closet to closet trying to find something to wear, and no one would leave me alone so that I could take a shower to get ready to wherever I had to go. Then all of a sudden I was in our guest room, which now had a bathroom, and I was trying to figure out how we were going to arrange the baby's room now that a huge corner of it was taken over by the new bathroom.
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