I had a very good weekend to finish off last week and start this one. I took Friday off from work so that Skip and I could spend some quality time together and get some things done around the house. We stopped over at Meda-Care for a little while and chatted with the folks there, then ran some errands and putzed in the house for a bit. The evening was nice and uneventful. Saturday Skip got up and went to clincals, while I went to my BodyWorks class in the morning at the WAC. I hadn't been to the class in a while so it was nice to get a good workout. I came home and mopped the floors, then left the house with Scotch and walked down by the lakefront with Steph. What a gorgeous day! Everyone and their mothers were out by the lake, but everyone was very pleasant, and me and Steph managed to get some sun (although her not as much, considering she just came home from Florida-- two months from now to get that peeling taken care of!). Then I got a private tour of Steph and Mike's new house, which was so great to finally see! I am looking forward to seeing what they do with the place, and spending some time down at Roots... :) Sarah, Andy and Elizabeth came over on Saturday for dinner, and we had a very nice visit. Us girls tried the new gelato place just down the street, SO yummy! Skip and I headed out to Waukesha with the Harrisons for the airshow on Sunday, and then just had a lazy afternoon and evening. We had a nice last-minute dinner at our neighbors' house, then I punched out! I haven't had a weekend like that in a while, so it really was kind of a good change of pace to be able to just do whatever for 3 days in a row. Especially with the weather as nice as it was. My hair is finally bleaching out!
As for the ever-developing pregnancy, I had my 23-24 week appointment this afternoon, and everything is progressing fine! I have been feeling okay lately, though I've had a couple pretty tough nauseous spells so I'm keeping watch on that. Skip, for the first time, got to feel the baby move the other morning, which was great. I've been feeling it squirming around in there for quite a few weeks now, so I'm glad Skip finally got to share it. I have all of my appointments scheduled for the rest of the pregnancy, which is a little surreal, but so exciting! Let's just hope I don't need that one that's scheduled for October 23rd!
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