So, I keep having these recurring dreams that I am back visiting Augie, and I'm hanging out with all the current Delta Chis (I know who some of them are through my DCT family tree on Facebook). Why I keep dreaming this, I have no idea. I think the first time I started dreaming about them was when Sarah C. told me she had met a bunch of them at Augie last weekend when the 'Hams were there for Scott's graduation. Also, maybe it was because yesterday I had some strange hankering for a loaded baked potato from Arthurs or the super-unhealthy yet ever-so-tasty chili cheese nachos from the downstairs cafe at the College Center (I have craved those nachos at least once a month since I left there 5 years ago. Maybe it's because Jes and I would sit down there for hours at lunch time senior year in that back table hiding from everyone else on campus. Funny how some things stick with you...)
The first dream was thoroughly strange, as I was kind of "babysitting" the current girls in this huge hotel room... with Shay and Kim (Girls, I love you. I dream about you all the time... Just kidding, I have no idea why I thought about you when I was dreaming about Delta Chi, considering you two were Speeds). Anyways, Shay stayed up in this huge loft with the girls, and Kim and I were downstairs just about to fall asleep, when I look up and there's a huge tidal wave coming at us. I was afraid for all the girls, but I knew they would be fine because they were all so high up. However, Kim and I got soaked by the wave as it splashed into the room. After that I don't really remember much of the dream...
The latest dream was that I was back at Arthurs, but it looked like a combination of The Mark and Arthurs, like the bathrooms were back in this huge conference center-type area. And the restaurant part was like a restaurant, then all of a sudden I was talking to all of the girls who were on treadmills. I was trying to convince someone (like Sarah C. or Steph or someone, can't remember) to come and hang out with the girls with me, because I didn't want to be all by myself. I don't remember how oddly the dream must have morphed after that point...
Maybe I need to go back to Augie just to quell this strange obsession. I had thought about Homecoming, but that's not happening this year because I will look like I'm about ready to burst being so pregnant. Oh well, maybe next year. It's just very odd, but then again my dreams are always very odd. This pregnancy thing is just making them all the more peculiar. At least I haven't had a terribly scary one in quite a while (those are the worst-- I don't wish my scary dreams on anyone)... knock on wood!
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