Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dreams 4/1/09

I am going to begin jotting down some of my dreams that I have, since I keep forgetting to write them down in my journal. Plus, I type faster than I write. Excuse the choppy format, because it's hard to remember each detail.

First dream: I was on vacation with my mom and Sarah, and it was implied in the dream that Harrisons were around, too. Sarah had picked Puerta Vallarta to go to because there was some concert going on there. My mom and I were alone and she was telling me how she didn't like the place because it was too busy and it wasn't tropical enough. I kept telling her that we should have gone to Playa del Carmen because there were less people. We took a shuttle-boat through a jungle-like lagoon area to get to the restaurant, that I think could only be reached by boat. When we got there, it was like a Carlos and Charlie's type of place-- and very busy. We had to share a table with a couple of guys, and Sarah finally showed up saying she was loving the place. The concert was going on outside of the restuarant, and it was really loud and there were thousands of people. We left the restaurant and started walking through a series of planked pathways across the water, but they were all flooded so we called our shuttle-boat driver back. He picked us up, and took us on a ride through the lagoon, and we saw two huge alligators in the water. He thought it would be cool to get the boat bucking up and down so we would get close to the gators, which we didn't like, and were very scared. When we got close to one of them, it tried to bite my arm, and got a little bit. My mom was really mad at the driver-- he just thought it was funny. That was the dream...

Second dream: I was laying in bed at around 5am, when I got really bad stomach cramps (in real life I had just woken up with the same thing, so I had a hard time distinguishing between the dream and reality at first). I got out of bed, and called my mom because I knew she'd be up, and I wanted to ask her advice. She told me to call the doctor to make sure it wasn't anything pregnancy-related. So I was getting off the phone with my mom, when I heard our back door open. Skip and Scotch were in bed, so I was scared. Scotch growled a little, and in walks Kathryn Gray-- wasted! It was funny. She had said she was out with friends drinking (but I can't remember the rest of the details). She was acting really silly, and I told her that it was a great fun thing to do the last night before her last year of college started. She started feeling bad because it was so early in the morning, but I told her it was okay because I was already up. She started getting really sleepy, so she pulled out the pull-out bed from the couch (which we don't have in real life), and crashed. That was the dream...

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