Well, it's March 10th and as of yesterday, I'm officially 8 weeks pregnant! Skip and I found out about a month ago, and we were very excited. I wasn't due for "Aunt Flo" for a couple of days, but I thought "what the heck (haha Jan!) I'll take a test." So I did, and there was this faint little second line. Hmmm... I taped the test to the bathroom mirror for Skip to find when he got home from work, then I went back to the living room to finish my last beer (it was a PBR. The least it could've been was a good beer for my last one. Oh well.). Skip came in the room when he got home and said, "Are we going to have a baby?" I wasn't convinced as of yet, and not to mention 3/4 asleep, so he didn't get much of a response from me. When I got to work the next day, I looked online and learned that any second line, no matter how faint, is a positive result-- so that was that!
I took another test a couple of days later (one that Skip had yoinked from Sinai), and wabam! A big fat plus sign! I was convinced now :). We told our families that weekend, and they are both very excited!
Up to this point I've been counting my blessings for how I've been feeling. A little nausea here and there, and of course sore tatas (tmi, I know...). I've been extremely exhausted though, so that's been rough. To describe it better: Pledging at 3am, right around week 3. Or ~2am on a 24 when you've been running calls all day long. Sleep is all I've wanted, and I've been doing pretty well on getting it. I've heard the second trimester is the best, so I'm looking forward to a month from now...
In the meantime, I saw a nurse and she confirmed our due date of October 19th. She also went over our social/medical histories and gave us a lot of information on what to expect in the coming months. My first OB appointment is March 27th, and we're really looking forward to seeing how everything is progressing.
Aside from the big news, other updates: Skip is nearing the end of the "nursing school tunnel," and (fingers crossed) will be done in August. Sinai ER has been treating him well as a Nurse Extern, and he hopes to continue there for some time after graduation.
My job is the same as always, I suppose no news is "good" news.
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