Monday, May 5, 2008

Story-filled weekend

Just working at a private ambulance company lends itself to interesting stories, no matter what the day. It also means that many different personalities of people will be interacting, and inevitably clashing. Like this weekend. I wish that some people would just know their place and role. In the EMS world, seniority, following rules and "putting your time in" are huge aspects to how the system flows. I've been in it only for 3 years, but that's enough at the particular place at which I work to have a little bit of seniority and clout. But that doesn't mean that people will listen to you, or not just think for themselves (even though some people should just let other people do all the thinking. They'll get their panties in a twist if they try to think too much...). Lapses in communication (i.e. not listening to your senior partner, i.e. ME) can make for a confusing (and at times, dangerous) situation when it comes to the things we do. This weekend wasn't dangerous, but when certain people try to butt their cocky heads into a role that they're not supposed to be playing, they may end up getting their ass kicked by higher-ups. Translation: my partner on Saturday is young and cocky, and tried to act like he knew more than he actually did during one call (not to mention he always tried to steal the damn microphone away from me-- big mistake, Kiddo). Because of this, he and I ended up getting in an argument, but ultimately I don't think he believed he did anything wrong. Well, an attitude like his just shows that he is not ready to move up to a more senior role, and if he thinks he is ready, he is sadly mistaken. Just hang in there, Junior-- your time will come. In the meantime, let you partner be in charge, and just step the hell back.

Flight for Life is cool. It's unfortunate that it has to exist in the first place, but when it lands in a field a block from your house, it's kind of neat. Although, according to my dad, if you're in the shower when it flies over your house, it feels like it's going to land right in the tub with you! Good call, Mom (i.e. #1 Ambulance Chaser Extraordinaire).

I don't like cleaning up puke from my just-cleaned bathroom. Especially when I reeeeaallly have to pee! Word of advice: If your husband hosts a bachelor party and the bachelor stays at your house, make sure he confines his emesis to the toilet, and not the tub, shower curtain, wall, floor... and if there is a mess, make your husband clean it up, no matter how late he is for his EMT refresher! Those boys owe me. ¡Mucho!

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