...so fast these days! I can't believe our little Rose is 1 year old! She has changed so much so quickly, I want this time to slow down. The stats:
Weight: 19 lbs, 14 oz!! 50th percentile according to the WHO, 29th according to the CDC. Weird discrepancies... but great either way!
Length: 28.5 inches, 28th percentile
We are thrilled that she has now consistently been on the charts for months. She's been weaned from her high-concentrated diet for some time now, so she has obviously become able to self-regulate everything. We couldn't be happier. (As a TMI side, she's been having consistent trouble with her little GI system, but we have some recommendations from the doctor that will hopefully regulate her a little better.)
Aside from the medical and statistical stuff, Rose is perfect. She has this incredible head of curly-wispy strawberry blonde hair that I just can't get enough of. Those curls obviously come from her daddy! It's just about long enough these days to pull back into bows, so it's fun to shop for that stuff now!
She has 6 teeth, 4 on top, 2 on the bottom. It's looking like she's inherited the infamous "Preston gap" on the top, and it's adorable. She has a cheesy smile that comes out, but only with the ones she's most comfortable with. This little one has definitely inherited her momma's personality... so she won't be opening up to many new people any time soon. Which I'm okay with. She knows who she likes, and knows what she wants. But she is such a sweetheart. And I love her for every inch of her little personality!
She has started "talking," and is ALL girl! I caught her the other day with a calculator holding it up to her ear like a phone, just jabbering away in her little low voice. Wonder who she was talking to... She's just started using a few little signs, but that's a work in progress. "More" and "milk" are coming along. She usually just prefers to bang her fists on the table and wiggle her little hands and feet when she wants something.
She's not quite walking yet (I'm convinced she's content to have Preston bring her everything), but she stands like a champ and cruises around pretty well. Preston took his first steps just after his first birthday, so she's pretty much on par with him - no worries.
It warms my heart to see my two babies playing so well with each other these days, too. Aside from the times when Preston thinks Rose is a burrito and tries to wrap her up in a blanket, they are two peas in a pod. They share that tiny little room, so I'm glad they get along so well!
I can't wait until the weather warms up, because I'm excited to watch her begin to explore her outside world. With the inquisitive personality she has, she is going to be so happy to find so many new things. I still can't believe sometimes that I'm a mom of 2, and how much our lives have changed and grown in the past 7-8 years. As stressful as we can have it sometimes, I wouldn't change it for the world. :)