I had a mosquito (or two or three) in my bedroom last night. I have about 10 new bites all over my body, including 4 on my head. Itchy itchy itchy agitated itchy agitated....
In other news, I read on BabyCenter yesterday that this is about the time that some babies are able to wave. So, my mom and I are sitting in her hotel room last night after dinner, watching Preston playing on the floor. What does he do? Waves at Grandma!! It was the most adorable thing, his little hand looked like it was turning a really wide doorknob. Made Grandma cry :). My face was sore, I was smiling so much!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hot Potato and Tornado
Mommy Fail. Preston was SO hungry last night, just a little eating machine. I had given him an entire container of carrots mixed with some cereal, and he absolutely loved it. But he downed it in like 5 minutes. So, I took a potato and cooked it in the microwave and mashed it up. I swear to God I tested the temperature of it before I gave it to him, since it really was hot when I first took it out of the microwave. Well, apparently I didn't test it well enough, because I gave Preston a bite, and he made the most God-awful face I've ever seen. It was like I had put a straight-up hot coal in his mouth or something. He was trying so hard to spit it out, but couldn't. I scooped it out of his mouth as fast as I could... and then, he screamed. But it took him a few seconds to get that scream out-- it was one of THOSE cries. I picked him up from his high chair and just snuggled him so tight, as he wailed for about 5 minutes straight. Oh I felt so bad. Horrible! He's fine now, but I feel so bad. His little tongue has got to be so uncomfortable today!!
After the potato incident, Skip and I finished our dinner (smoked Spam and smelt... I swear. Yes. It was interesting...), and went for 49 cent cones at McDonalds. As we were getting home, the storm that had been brewing out west was really hitting us. I dropped off the boys (since we can't park in our driveway while the city works on our sidewalks), and parked a couple houses down. We sat on the front porch watching the storm for a few minutes, and then the sirens went off. If anyone knows me, that's equal to the WORLD ENDING for Ellen. I have a serious fear bordering on phobia of tornadoes (I frequently have tornado-themed nightmares), so it freaked the HELL out of me. Skip had the nerve to try and stop me from going into the basement with Preston, saying everything was fine. Um, Skip, are you shitting me?! I scooped up the boy and some blankets, and made a little makeshift bed downstairs. Skip stayed upstairs and actually watched the storm from the front porch-- suit yourself, crazy man!
We only stayed downstairs for 1/2 hour or so, until the worst passed, which it did. Preston was rolling around like crazy thinking it was the coolest thing to be down in the basement with Mommy-- so sleeping was not happening. I came back upstairs so I could put him in his crib when the scariness was over. He fell right asleep, and I crawled into bed and did the same. It was a pretty scary hour, though! Thank god I didn't have any dreams last night, they potentially could've been some doozies!
After the potato incident, Skip and I finished our dinner (smoked Spam and smelt... I swear. Yes. It was interesting...), and went for 49 cent cones at McDonalds. As we were getting home, the storm that had been brewing out west was really hitting us. I dropped off the boys (since we can't park in our driveway while the city works on our sidewalks), and parked a couple houses down. We sat on the front porch watching the storm for a few minutes, and then the sirens went off. If anyone knows me, that's equal to the WORLD ENDING for Ellen. I have a serious fear bordering on phobia of tornadoes (I frequently have tornado-themed nightmares), so it freaked the HELL out of me. Skip had the nerve to try and stop me from going into the basement with Preston, saying everything was fine. Um, Skip, are you shitting me?! I scooped up the boy and some blankets, and made a little makeshift bed downstairs. Skip stayed upstairs and actually watched the storm from the front porch-- suit yourself, crazy man!
We only stayed downstairs for 1/2 hour or so, until the worst passed, which it did. Preston was rolling around like crazy thinking it was the coolest thing to be down in the basement with Mommy-- so sleeping was not happening. I came back upstairs so I could put him in his crib when the scariness was over. He fell right asleep, and I crawled into bed and did the same. It was a pretty scary hour, though! Thank god I didn't have any dreams last night, they potentially could've been some doozies!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Week/end Update
This week was good, pretty uneventful. Wednesday evening we packed our dinner and went over to the park across the street from us for a free summer concert. Preston and Scotch were more entertaining than the music, both for us and the people around us. It was kind of funny... But we had such a nice time, and ended up back at the house for a little while after Sarah and Andy met us at the park.
At the park

On Friday night I went over to Harrisons for a little while, since they were watching Preston after my mom had left town. I had to go on a little detour over to Weselohs to borrow their carseat, since my mom had accidentally kept ours in her car when she went back to CL. Good thing for friends with babies! I ate over at Harrisons, then came home when Skip got off work.
Saturday we got up and worked around the house, so that we'd be ready for company that evening. I cleaned inside while Skip worked outside. People started getting to our house around 4, and we all just hung out in the back and grilled out. It was fun! It was so great to catch up with Larissa and Eric, Sidnaya and Derek, as well as the usual Milwaukee crowd. :)
"Captain Crabby" waiting for friends to come!
On Sunday we vegged in the morning, then I helped Skip bottle his latest beer while Preston napped. When he woke up, we got all ready and headed out the the forest... I mean the backyard. With a hose and weed trimmers in hand, we emptied the pond and cut back a bunch of the plants like crazy. There's still a ton to do, but a couple of things checked off the list, at least!
The yard... before
Ready to go out!
Draining the pond

Adios nasty pond water!

Workin' with mommy
Friday, June 18, 2010
Dreams 6/18
I had a dream earlier this week that I was at my grandma's house (Scotch was with me, no one else, it was night time), and a guy who looked exactly like Bradley Cooper came in the house. I was scared, because he basically broke in, but he was being really nice and was very well-dressed. It turns out he was hired by my friends, who had decided that I wasn't going to be invited to any other social things that they plan. They said I'm too wrapped up in my own life, so they hired this guy to come hang out with me so that I'd be distracted from being excluded. That was about all the dream entailed. Weird... 
I had another disturbing dream last night. I dreamt that I was in this big office building/mall, and it had really big glass windows all over and was really open to the floors below. Well, I start to realize that there were people pulling a huge drape over the outside of the building. For some reason (as is the case only in dreams), I knew that these people were bad, and had plans to cut the power in the building and hold everyone hostage/kill them. The drapes were to make the place dark when the lights went out from no power. Well, I managed to get out of the building, and witnessed a couple of people trying to get out of an automated revolving door, only to get their hands stuck and torn off. Gross. Seriously. For some odd reason, I got back in the building, and ended up coming across one of the killers-- who had a gun. I quietly pleaded with him not to shoot me, but he did anyways, right in the gut. I pretended to be dead, so that he and the others who had come near would leave me alone-- thinking I could escape. Well, I didn't do it too well, since the others decided to shoot me a couple more times. And I died. (Isn't it a bad sign if you die in a dream??? Any interpretations of this would be greatly appreciated...)
Anyways, I was dead, still in the building, but technically in heaven. I talked to a few other dead people, and they said I could do anything I wanted now, and I could even meet again with anyone who had died in the past. I wanted to talk to my grandparents. Then the dream was over.
I must be sleeping much more these days to have dreams this complex again!

I had another disturbing dream last night. I dreamt that I was in this big office building/mall, and it had really big glass windows all over and was really open to the floors below. Well, I start to realize that there were people pulling a huge drape over the outside of the building. For some reason (as is the case only in dreams), I knew that these people were bad, and had plans to cut the power in the building and hold everyone hostage/kill them. The drapes were to make the place dark when the lights went out from no power. Well, I managed to get out of the building, and witnessed a couple of people trying to get out of an automated revolving door, only to get their hands stuck and torn off. Gross. Seriously. For some odd reason, I got back in the building, and ended up coming across one of the killers-- who had a gun. I quietly pleaded with him not to shoot me, but he did anyways, right in the gut. I pretended to be dead, so that he and the others who had come near would leave me alone-- thinking I could escape. Well, I didn't do it too well, since the others decided to shoot me a couple more times. And I died. (Isn't it a bad sign if you die in a dream??? Any interpretations of this would be greatly appreciated...)
Anyways, I was dead, still in the building, but technically in heaven. I talked to a few other dead people, and they said I could do anything I wanted now, and I could even meet again with anyone who had died in the past. I wanted to talk to my grandparents. Then the dream was over.
I must be sleeping much more these days to have dreams this complex again!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Never drinking again.
So, Sarah's coworkers decided to take her out to celebrate her 30th birthday, and I went along. Preston and I had bummed around running errands earlier in the day on Saturday. Sarah, Andy and the girls came over to our house in the afternoon, and we visited a while before Skip went down to Racine for his show (read the review: http://www.scene262.com/feature_stories/feature_stories/?idvar=167). Anyways, Sarah got all dolled up, then Andy took her over to her boss's house. I stayed home to get Preston down and Andy handled his girls. The group came and picked me up on their way downtown, and we went to Buckhead Saloon. As soon as we got there, I'm not going to lie, I basically started downing beers, as that is not a place to be at sober... Well, it worked, and I wasn't sober anymore.
We all danced the night away and actually had a really fun time, but Sarah and I decided we were done. So we got a cab back to the house. We don't drink much anymore, since we're still nursing, so the booze hit us each like a ton of bricks. Let's just say that we only lasted a little while before we both... ahem "broke in" the bathrooms... And of course all 3 of the kids decided they wanted to be awake and join the "party." Sarah and I owe Andy BIG TIME, since neither of us were really in the position to be caring for our babies, which we both regret. In the end, Andy ended up in the bed with Elizabeth and Megan, Sarah was on a couch, and I was on the floor cuddled next to my little man. I will not be doing that again anytime soon, since I felt like DEATH the next day.
I babysat Elizabeth for the day while Sarah and Andy went to run some errands, which was fine. We wanted to try and check out the Air and Water show, but parking was a nightmare when we got down there. Also, the F-22 happened to be flying over just as we were driving by, and as the car shook from the noise, I heard a faint "I'm scared, I want to go home" coming from the back seat-- so I decided to take a pass on the planes. We ended up going over to the park by our house and eating lunch instead. Much more low-key, and much quieter!
Preston and I took a nap when Elizabeth left, then went to the store for a little while. He's strong enough to sit up by himself in the shopping cart, so he was the little charmer eyeing everyone up and Sentry. He was just too cute!
I babysat Elizabeth for the day while Sarah and Andy went to run some errands, which was fine. We wanted to try and check out the Air and Water show, but parking was a nightmare when we got down there. Also, the F-22 happened to be flying over just as we were driving by, and as the car shook from the noise, I heard a faint "I'm scared, I want to go home" coming from the back seat-- so I decided to take a pass on the planes. We ended up going over to the park by our house and eating lunch instead. Much more low-key, and much quieter!
Preston and I took a nap when Elizabeth left, then went to the store for a little while. He's strong enough to sit up by himself in the shopping cart, so he was the little charmer eyeing everyone up and Sentry. He was just too cute!
Here are a few recent pictures, both from this weeked, and from the past few weeks:
Monday, June 7, 2010
Update 6/7
I know I haven't written in a while, but our last month has been a bit crazy. I'll follow my calendar as I write this, so I don't miss anything:
May 15th I threw a surprise party for Skip's 30th. He wasn't too surprised, since he said I never feverishly clean the house like I did unless people are coming over... oops. Oh well! We had a really nice time, and were drinking the keg of Leinie's Red and eating the leftover pizzas for like a week after the party.
The next weekend started our EMT refresher craziness, and on top of that, Preston was getting sick. He had a cough and was a little warm, but we had to leave him with my mom and dad so we could do our refresher out in Pewaukee (Friday evening through Saturday). I had originally planned on going down to Chicago for Jes's bachelorette party on Saturday night after class, but towards the beginning of the week I was thinking realistically that I would be way overwhelmed with all the driving. So, unfortunately, I took a pass on the party. I had also taken a pass on Katie's bridal shower, so it was a double-suckage... Anyways, it was a good thing I didn't go, because all Preston wanted on Saturday night and Sunday was his mommy.
He was feeling better on Monday, but I took work off to be with him anyways, and then he seemed totally better by Tuesday. Well, Wednesday rolled around, and the poor guy spiked a fever at the babysitter's of 102.4-- so I quit playing around and took him straight to the walk-in clinic. 2 hours and a set of chest x-rays later, the doctor diagnosed him with pneumonia. By the way: watching your tiny baby have chest x-rays sucks. They seriously mount him in a torture device-- he screamed the whole time. :( We got home and he crashed for the rest of the evening, poor guy. The rest of the week was okay, and he actually started getting better right away, thanks to his antibiotic.
Skip and I left Preston with "Aunt" Sarah and "Uncle" Andy on Saturday, while we went to Pam's wedding. It was a lovely ceremony, and a beautiful reception at The Pfister hotel downtown. Aside from me spilling red wine on the white part of my dress, running home to change, and getting back in 1/2 hour, the evening was very fun!
Last week was uneventful for the most part, and over the weekend we had our second installment of EMT refresher. This time Preston got to spend time with his Manning grandparents, so that was a fun time for him (and them)! He came home with some of the most ADORABLE nautical-themed outfits, too :) We went to St. Bernard's picnic after mass on Sunday, and visited for a while with Adriane, Lawrence and Joe, so that was fun. However, I've officially decided that 10:00 mass is not the best time for Preston. He just can't seem to conquer that hour to hang in for church-- 8:00 mass time is perfect, but sometimes a little early for Mommy...
He has been SO vocal the past couple days, and is sitting up and starting to wriggle around like a total champ. He was sitting playing with some toys on Saturday evening, and when I looked back at him, he had plopped himself over onto all fours! He's getting ready to crawl... God help us all when that tiny spitfire becomes mobile! Babyproofing here we come!
The house is coming along, but not really any new projects as of late. We got new couches and a dining room set, and have moved our old green couch into the porch. It's kind of nice, almost has a southern, semi-outdoor living feel out there now. We're working on getting other things arranged and still unpacking, but are kind of on a hiatus until we are able to get settled upstairs. The house works for now... (except the kitchen. I. Hate. My. Kitchen.)
That's the update for now!
May 15th I threw a surprise party for Skip's 30th. He wasn't too surprised, since he said I never feverishly clean the house like I did unless people are coming over... oops. Oh well! We had a really nice time, and were drinking the keg of Leinie's Red and eating the leftover pizzas for like a week after the party.
The next weekend started our EMT refresher craziness, and on top of that, Preston was getting sick. He had a cough and was a little warm, but we had to leave him with my mom and dad so we could do our refresher out in Pewaukee (Friday evening through Saturday). I had originally planned on going down to Chicago for Jes's bachelorette party on Saturday night after class, but towards the beginning of the week I was thinking realistically that I would be way overwhelmed with all the driving. So, unfortunately, I took a pass on the party. I had also taken a pass on Katie's bridal shower, so it was a double-suckage... Anyways, it was a good thing I didn't go, because all Preston wanted on Saturday night and Sunday was his mommy.
He was feeling better on Monday, but I took work off to be with him anyways, and then he seemed totally better by Tuesday. Well, Wednesday rolled around, and the poor guy spiked a fever at the babysitter's of 102.4-- so I quit playing around and took him straight to the walk-in clinic. 2 hours and a set of chest x-rays later, the doctor diagnosed him with pneumonia. By the way: watching your tiny baby have chest x-rays sucks. They seriously mount him in a torture device-- he screamed the whole time. :( We got home and he crashed for the rest of the evening, poor guy. The rest of the week was okay, and he actually started getting better right away, thanks to his antibiotic.
Skip and I left Preston with "Aunt" Sarah and "Uncle" Andy on Saturday, while we went to Pam's wedding. It was a lovely ceremony, and a beautiful reception at The Pfister hotel downtown. Aside from me spilling red wine on the white part of my dress, running home to change, and getting back in 1/2 hour, the evening was very fun!
Last week was uneventful for the most part, and over the weekend we had our second installment of EMT refresher. This time Preston got to spend time with his Manning grandparents, so that was a fun time for him (and them)! He came home with some of the most ADORABLE nautical-themed outfits, too :) We went to St. Bernard's picnic after mass on Sunday, and visited for a while with Adriane, Lawrence and Joe, so that was fun. However, I've officially decided that 10:00 mass is not the best time for Preston. He just can't seem to conquer that hour to hang in for church-- 8:00 mass time is perfect, but sometimes a little early for Mommy...
He has been SO vocal the past couple days, and is sitting up and starting to wriggle around like a total champ. He was sitting playing with some toys on Saturday evening, and when I looked back at him, he had plopped himself over onto all fours! He's getting ready to crawl... God help us all when that tiny spitfire becomes mobile! Babyproofing here we come!
That's the update for now!
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