Having not posted for a while, I seem to have sort of forgotten what has happened over the past couple of months. So I'll look at my calendar and update based on that.

The Preston Family Reunion 2008 was held the weekend of July 4th in Crystal Lake,

hosted by my mom. She did an awesome job, and it was great to see all of the family. I had some very important and emotional conversations with certain family members, and ultimately feel closer than ever to them.

I'm still waiting for my wedding photo album from my asshole photographer. It's going on 10 months now since I ordered...

I went up north for a short weekend visit at the end of July, while the rest of the fam stayed the whole week. It was a little weird not staying up there the whole time-- that's the first time in like 15 years that I haven't been up there for a whole week in the summer :(. That's what I get for taking 2 weeks to go "down south."

Skip and Paradigm Pulse had a show in August at The Rave. I was very proud of all of them, and they had a great turnout. I even got a visit with Kathryn, Lindsay and Steph out of it!

We celebrated Stephanie's birthday with a boat cruise on the Milwaukee river at the end of August-- so much fun, and great to see everyone!

As for September, the summer has been winding down, and I'm trying to make the most of these last few weekends of beautiful weather-- I hope they last! The DSAW Buddy Walk is coming up this weekend, which is always a fun event and great fundraiser for Down Syndrome awareness. That's it for now!